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I unlocked the café doors this morning. I got the till ready, the coffee brewing easily and going to put out the fresh scones that were baked last night. I got things done, and then I let my morning shift in as I opened the doors and flipped the sign over.

I got Jenny up to speed on what was on 'special' coffee this morning. Since we were on a school street we got the parents flooding in after drop-off. Not to mention the other parents and people trying to start families in the area as well.

I looked around at the crowd flowing in, slowly I realized there were just too many drinks on the line and I didn't focus on anything but the cups and the names I had to call out when I got them done.

But then around 9:30 things started to slow down. I got more food out, was putting them in the case when I heard loud laughing, and I looked up and around to see the same biker man that comes in like clockwork. He had his vest on, brown hair past his ears, green eyes that seemed to glow under my café lights.

He always tried to talk to me, but I always just gave him a smile and walked into the back and watched him in the cameras until he left. Today was no different at his flirting.

"So, you're the only one with no nametag... it's gotta be something really fucking cute. Pepper? Honey? Goldilocks?" I rolled my eyes at the names. I had long blonde hair that was always pinned back while I was at work.

"Here." I finished off his coffee and held it out to him and he grabbed it and then my wrist.

"Name?" He asked, and I just laughed lightly and tugged my hand away.

"It's on the cup." I told him, and he looked confused. "You also gave it to the lady who took your order." I smirked as he caught on and I just kept going on with the drinks.

I knew his name was Lucien, I knew he drove a Harley, and I saw the dog tags on his neck. I knew he was bad news when I saw the motorcycle, but then I saw the dog tags. I knew he would be off limits since then. I don't date men like my father, any military man was X-ed out... no matter how hot and flirty they were.

"I would really like to know your name baby." He said, and I looked back to him and saw his smirk as he looked over my face and then down to what little he could see of my body behind the counter.

"Take a guess." I decided to play his little game today. I was bored, the coffee cups were slowing down.

"Julie." He said, and I gave a scoff. "Amber? Tiffany? Monica? Muffy?" He listed, and I just rolled my eyes at the names. "Butch?" He tried with a light chuckle and I gave him a look before calling out a name. "Gotta give me something love. A letter." He asked, and I just held in my smile before looking around at the door and then the nonexistent line.

"My name starts with a J."

"Jessica" He asked, and I rolled my eyes and got the last cup out before hearing the bell above the door. I looked up to see the person walk in. I only wanted to see the person if he or she were a regular... but what I saw was a man walking in with a gun, pointing at me.

"I want my place back Jackie." He shouted, and I just clenched my jaw. Another customer screamed, and I saw the man reach back and lock the door. "Your father ruined me!" He told me, and I just wanted to scoff and tell him to join the club, but he did have a gun.

"Jackie." I heard Jenny whisper my name. I looked over to her and she had already pushed the silent alarm button and she was freaking out.

"You're fine Jenny. Go into the back." I told her and saw the man take three quick steps.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now