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Jackie's POV:

As much as I loved sleeping in a bit next to Lucien, I was much more happy to be back in my café. I had woke him up and told him I was leaving, and he pulled me in tight and kissed me like I was leaving forever. I almost said forget the café. But my workers needed money too.

I walked around the bakery, already having set the timers for the cinnamon bread, cinnamon rolls, and banana muffins. I also had a timer set for half an hour before Cami would need to be up and out the door.

Thankfully I had one of my favorite hardest working guys coming in today. Martin was quick, effective, and always had the best disposition. He always enjoyed helping in the back when he came in early, and he always got the best tips when he was on register.

He was coming in just 10 minutes before I was set to leave and I would explain everything quickly, and ask him if he ever wanted to help out more around here.

I got the muffins ready to go, put a couple to the side for Cami and Lucien, and got the bread sliced and the rolls all had their sugary sweet icing on top. I started wiping up the lemon bread and icing when Martin came in, his morning happiness already infecting me as I smiled at him.

"Good morning. How are you?"

"Excited to be back." He told me and then he frowned for the first time ever. "Are you okay? Did that guy get caught?"

"No, not yet, but my brother and boyfriend are setting up guards or whatever and cameras." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "I do have to get back to my boyfriends, he's got to get his daughter to school and I have the only car. So I will be gone for no longer than 45 minutes. I will leave you the keys, I will set up the register for you, and thankfully we don't get too swamped with people while I am gone. I am just about to put this in, and it's only going to cook for 25 minutes." I didn't give him time to ask me anything. He hadn't even clocked in yet. I felt bad but I walked with him to the front and let him clock in as I set up the register. I explained I would be putting more 5s and 10s under it just in case, also added more change than normal.

I wrote down the amounts since it was out of the normal and tried to come up with the words to ask him. "And Martin?" I got his attention as I got my purse and the keys to the Jeep.


"Ever want to be a shift lead, or be promoted or anything like that?" I asked and waited as he seemed shocked.

"I thought you said it would just be-"

"I know... that was when I didn't have other things to take care of." I gave him a small smile. "My boyfriend has a daughter, she goes to school and he works full time like I do, and I am kind of the only person in the new little... family, that might be able to do something about her schedule. I know I said you'll never move up ranks, but maybe I need someone like that now. Are you willing?"

"Yes." He said it quick and covered his mouth and giggled and shook his head. "I would love to help out as much as I could. I was going to ask for more hours anyway."

"How much time do you have this week?" I asked knowing that next week Cami was out of school for Thanksgiving.

"I have everyday free but Friday." He told me and I nodded.

"Okay... well, tell me the hours you're available to come in this week, and this weekend, maybe some next week and I will try and write out as much as I can got you to have as a reference." I told him and my alarm went off that I had to go now before I was late. "I will be back in no longer than 45 minutes." I told him and he nodded happily. "Lemon is done in 15, and the icing is simple-"

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