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I could tell that my daughter really liked Jackie, but seeing her shock over us kissing made me wonder if she didn't like the idea. I had a moment of panic before a smile broke out on Cami's face and she made a squeal and ran towards us. I hefted her up and turned away from Jackie, not wanting to see the look on her face.

I didn't know if she was okay with her knowing, and I didn't want to start to hope or some kind of shit about her actually being open with us trying something. I didn't want to see her worried or trying to pass off what we did, so I decided to talk over Cami's questions saying that we were headed to the car and that we were going to the school now.

I heard her behind me and I got my shoes on before grabbing Cami's boots and setting her down in the garage to put the shoes on as I got the door open and went back for the backpack and I made sure that the homework that was due today was inside before walking back to the car to see Cami climbing in with Jackie watching her, almost lunging when she missed a step.

Once Cami was in she shut the door and went to open hers and I moved around, opening the back door and tossing her bag and she smiled wide at me. I got in and started the car before turning up her music so we couldn't really talk if we wanted to.

I tuned out the loud music the entire drive. Once we pulled up we had to wait a bit for the drop off point since so many parents liked to drop their kids off so early. I usually did it closer to the bell, but today seemed just right to drop Cami off early.

She had already taken off her seatbelt off and hopped down from her chair and moved to the console before giving my cheek a kiss. "You need to shave daddy." She told me and I gave her a look and she just giggled. "Bye!" She moved to push open her door and jumped out before pushing her door closed and waving to Jackie before running into the gate. I waited until she was in before moving on.

"We shouldn't of kissed when she could see us." Jackie had reached over to turn off the music and I saw her shift towards me.

"She has never seen me with a woman. Not even a one night stand. That is what I've kept her from." I told her and she just gulped and turned away. "I need to know before she sees anything else if you want to date, or just have fun because my daughter can't get attached-"

"I thought you were already trying to date me." She spoke up, sitting up and fixing her shirt before shaking her head and turning towards the window.


"Never mind. Guess I just read it wrong." She shook her head. "Are we still going to check on my shop?" She asked and I just nodded and decided that I would have to wait to have this conversation face to face and out of the car so I can make sure that she has no misunderstanding.

I made the quick drive to her little café and as I parked right out front she pushed open the car door and made her way towards the front to unlock it. I looked around for any sign of the bastard waiting for us.

I walked in and watched her head right into the back and she was back there for a while so I decided to make sure she was okay. I pushed open the door and saw her on the computer making a list of something. I walked closer and noticed she was making an order list.

"We will talk about what we are going to do." I told her and she looked over her shoulder at me before back to the screen. "I want you to get to know me, and know my daughter. I would have never offered to have you in the same house if I didn't want to have a serious relationship with you." I told her and leaned to the side to see her face since she was refusing to look at me.

"Then why did you offer to just have fun." She asked peeking over at me and I just smirked.

"Because you seemed to freak out. I was giving you an out. I know what my life is babe, I am a single father, my house is always a mess, my daughter is my only family. I am a biker-"

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now