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Lucien's POV:

I knew what Friday would bring, and I was dreading it as much as I was looking forward to it. I had a short meeting with the MC scheduled, and Razor offered to postpone it, but in reality he knew that I didn't want to be there as much as the next dad.

Today, we had a prospect to consider, to see if he was even worth giving a shot, and while I was on the fence, Razor was against it. I knew the guy from the shop, he had done a lot of deliveries, and eventually he asked for a job, or a side job, anyways.

And after work, I went right to the café, picking my woman up, and then heading right to pick Cami up. She was absolutely excited for tonight, she had woken up early, cleaned up her room, and then got dressed.

I got them home, and while I moved to move my bike out, I heard Cami and Jackie talking about what to  set up, and I stopped what I was doing and walked back in.

Jackie had taken the first clothes, shoved them in the washing and told Cami to take the empty basket back up to her room. I didn't get it until I realized it was to make it look like someone had already done laundry and the house was perfectly clean.

She then told Cami to pick out four DVDs. Then she was going to set out a couple clean blankets, and then came back to the living room, set them out, and then she went to grab more pillows and told Cami to get her things.

Apparently the girls were all going to sleep down here and not in Cami's room like I had guessed they would. At least it would give me and Jackie the upstairs to ourselves.

I watched as they ran around the house, nit picking over the movies, the blankets, and then where to move things so they would be enough room, but not too far for the food and snacks.

Then they went throught eh snacks and talked about leaving them in the bags, or putting them in bowls.

I was so confused as to why that mattered so much. Then we had our first girl arrive.

The squealing commenced, and Jackie handled the mom, saying what they would have for dinner and snacks, what the activities and movies were going to be. Talked about what time they should be picked up and what was for breakfast.

I was just standing there, I might as we of been wallpaper. I felt my phone ringing in my back pocket and I answered right away.

"Go." I told Razor and he talked about how most of the guys were already there, and wanting to get on with the party so I had to get my ass to the table now. "I am on my way." I told him and looked to Cami who tilted her head at me.

I hung up and walked closer to her. "What time are you going to be back?"

"After dinner. I am going to go and talk with Razor and then I am coming right back. But the other girls should be here soon, you'll eat after they're all here, and then put on your first movie." I had heard that much of the plan anyways.

I gave her a kiss, and moved towards Jackie who was just smirking at me. "You just had to go out tonight." She shook her head and finger at me, but still kept smiling.

"Yes. It's important." I told her, wondering if she was really mad and trying to cover it up.

"Yeah well... hopefully it isn't about me and what happened to the Jeep." She gulped and looked down.

"No honey. It's about whether or not we're going to accept someone as a new patch in." I told her and she bit her lip, probably not understanding but I felt my phone buzz again and I sighed. "I will explain more when I get home. Save me some of the good food." I kissed her softly, letting her make it hot and she bit my lip before I pulled away.

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