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Jackie's POV

I smiled and waved at a new MC brother pulling outside. He nodded and walked in slowly, looking around before heading to the line. I was trying to get most of them down on a paper so I could at least make them their drinks through the day they had to watch me. As it was it was already Wednesday and it seemed I met more then half the club.

Again. Most of them talked about what a fun person I was at the party, and I laughed along and pretended to remember what I did, but when I asked Lucien about it later on, he would just laugh and ask me which brother that day had asked me, then laugh depending on the name.

Now it was Thursday, I was shopping for the big sleepover tomorrow, and I made a list, planning on not opening the café on Saturday until 10am.

Going down the list, which was mostly snacks, and just two meals planned for the girls, I heard Lucien in my head telling me to get whatever I wanted, and as I told him my plans, he seemed really confused, and so sure that girls would not eat so much.

But now I was going down the aisles, Cami telling me about her day, and how next week she would have it off, and that the school postponed all parent teacher conferences until further notice because two or three weren't ready, and lots of students hadn't turned in their homework, or something in her class so they didn't want to give the parents bad news.

I didn't really understand it, but if the teachers didn't want to, and some weren't ready, oh well. I won't be going to it anyway. Lucien would just have to leave me at the café late, or leave me and Cami to do dinner by ourselves. I am hoping by tomorrow I will feel way more comfortable with her alone.

Lucien was going to leave me be with the girls, he begged for three hours in bed last night before I gave in. He would be out with Razor, shooting the shit, as he called it, and would be home in time to make sure they hadn't driven me crazy before bed.

I got on with shopping, and Cami asked me something that made me stop dead in my tracks.

"Are you and my daddy going to get married?"

"Why would you ask that?" I tried not to do that whole fake laugh thing, but I failed, without even trying and she tilted her head at me.

"Because you moved in, and when Whitney's new dad moved in with her and her mom, they got married in less than a summer." She told me and shrugged as she started to walk again and I caught up.

"Your dad and I, we're in a relationship yes, but when I am not in danger any more, we have agreed to live apart some more, kind of make sure that we work both ways. So yes, we're living together, but it's not forever yet." I told her and after a moment her eyes lit up and I realized I had used the forbidden word I never used with other kids when I dated single dads.


That is the mistake word, and I could never take that back now. I said it, and now... now I had to pretend like I meant it. As much as I had faith that Lucien and I would make it, there was always reality that would come and bite me in the ass once I got too happy.

It was like my dad was still around, laughing when I failed. Even when I knew he was in the same city I always seemed to mess up somehow.

I kept my mouth shut, let her go on and on about what kind of things she wanted to do with her friends, and in my head I was making up a list, if they did get too annoying, what to suggest they do away from me. Like playing in her room with all her dolls, and having a fashion show for each other... I could get a good hour out of that one all by myself.

Not to mention the horse grooming, and how she was going to ask everyone to bring their horses and they would have a good twenty minutes learning how to braid from me.

I stood a bit taller when she took a moment to really thank me for talking her dad into letting her finally host a slumber party, her friends had always asked, but she always had to say no. "Until you came along." She hugged me, hard and I leaned over and gave her one right back.

It was so sweet, and I wanted to melt into a puddle of goo, but it was time to head to the checkout counter, and then get home and see what Lucien made for dinner while we were gone.

We got everything on the belt, paid for it, and bagged it up, she stepped up on the cart as I pushed and she made a small singing noise as we got closer to the car, and I had to wonder what her favorite track was in the Disney collection.

She got in her chair while I got the cart into a round up, and I jogged back when I saw her door was shut. I opened the river side just in time to see the windshield cracked and a note under the windshield wiper.

She had noticed it but hadn't done much but wait for me. I got out, phone in hand and called Lucien just to get him on the phone while I read the note.

Lucky you had a girl with you bitch. I will be coming for you.

I looked back to Cami as I read it and smiled softly, begging Lucien to pick up the phone, but before I could hit call another time, I heard four motorcycles closing in and I looked around to see Lucien, Razor, and two guys from today parking behind me, and with a tow truck joining them.

"What? How did you get here-"

"You had a tail babe, you think I would let you take my daughter out with this idiot on the loose and not have a guy follow you both for safety?" He asked me and I gulped and looked to Cami.

"I shouldn't of taken her alone." I shook my head, and tried to think about how wrong this all could of gone.

"What does the note say?" He reached for it, and I handed it over like it was slimy and gross. "Cami might have just saved you from being taken." He let out a breath and I gulped hard and looked to Razor as he and another guy got into the jeep. Before I knew it, their boots were through the windshield, keeping it together even as it was broken.

Another guy in a cut came closer, a large glass, a replacement in his hands and Lucien helped him center it, place it, and then he looked at me and nodded.

He had been one of the main ones I remembered from that party, the bartender. I nodded back as he got back to the truck and took off slowly, and Lucien leaned down and kissed my cheek before nodding to Razor.

"We're guiding you home, you okay to drive?" He asked and I nodded right away and looked to Cami who was all smiles for Razor. "Good, I hate melted ice-cream." He gave me a quick peck on the lips, tapped my ass and opened the door for me to get in.

"Hi daddy!" Cami called out before I shut the door.

"Hey princess, I will see you in a few minutes." He waved back and winked at her before going right to his bike.

I don't know which brother had been watching my back, but I will make sure to find out and thank him for already being on his A game and getting them here. I would of freaked out and called the cops if he hadn't answered me or shown up when he did.

I followed Lucien, and kept an eye on Razor behind me, making sure no one was going to ram up or hit them off their bikes to get to the jeep and Cami. I was getting jumpy, and paranoid.

I would be watching my back better and better no matter if this guy is caught or not.

I just hoped he was caught before my brother had to leave. I didn't want him gone if something happened to me, or Cami, who ended up really bonding with him the other day, and she kept asking when he would be coming around again... it was cute. If I didn't know better I would say that she had a crush.

My brother was  a cute guy, maybe hot for the women who loved the men in uniform type, but Avery was always... adorable. And polite.

Shame I ended up loving the dirty mouthed-single dad-biker type.

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