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Cami came home in a world wind, happy that she got to got to the sleepover. I let her look through her bag and I watched Lucien take a couple calls. She kept talking to him and he would either ignore her or focus on her and ask the guy he was talking to, to repeat himself.

I stepped in and told her to go make sure she had all the things she would need for tonight. Coming back downstairs I saw Lucien off the phone, stirring the stew and I walked over and crossed my arms.

"What?" He asked and I shook my head slowly. "I skipped lunch." He shrugged and I just laughed lightly.

"Dad I am ready to go!" Cami shouted and I looked over to her and watched her bounce around slightly and had her little stuffed dog under her arm and the duffle with all her things over her shoulder.

"Alright, go hop in the car, I will drop you off- wait, you want to change out of the school clothes?" He asked looking at her fully now and licking his finger clean from the juices from the stew.

"Right." She took off, dropping all the things to the floor and her feet carried her up the stairs and I tried to remember the last time I was happy to go anywhere like she was happy.

My brother was supposed to come to dinner, and Lucien was looking forward to it, and I was starting to get nervous. I barely knew anything about him, and his life. I didn't know his best friend, I didn't know his middle name. I didn't know if Cami got to even see her mother. I didn't know where Lucien works, and sure he says he doesn't do anything illegal, but how could I know if I don't know anything about him.

I sat in the car once Cami was ready to go. I waited and watched how we got to the ladies house, and I saw four moms just standing outside, watching us pull up. Lucien got out, waved to them before getting Cami out. He looked at me through the window as he walked her towards the door. He was let inside to put her bag down as Cami ran to talk to her friends.

I didn't notice the moms walking towards me, and I just rolled down the window since he left the car running. "Hi." I waved as they got closer.

"What is your name?" One asked and her eyes ran over my face and then looked down.

"Jaqueline. Yours?"

"Maggie. I am Heathers mom." She held out her hand and I nodded. "This is Emily, and Daisy. Their kids are Megan and Angela."

"Nice to meet you." I told them and besides the head bitch they seemed interested in me.

"How do I know you? I know I have seen your face around somewhere." Daisy asked me and I ticked her finger on her chin for a couple times before I realized she actually was a regular half the week.

"I own the café closest to the school the kids attend." I told her and her eyes lit up.

"Awesome! I love your hot expresso. And the lemon glaze poppy muffins!" She turned to the others and said that she had tried almost everything I baked personally at the café and I saw a couple interested glances before Lucien walked back towards the car.

"So next weekend you'll be around to take care of our girls at the slumber party at Lucien's home?" Emily asked, somewhat worried, but also interested.

"Yes, I used to go to a lot to make friends since I was a military brat." I told them and before they could ask Lucien called Cami over to say bye and he was saying thank you to Emily for hosting and moved around the car to get inside.

"Are you going to be picking her up at the same time as always?" She asked and Lucien nodded.

"11am on the dot." He told me, even though he was just confirming it for the women watching me.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now