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I got to hang out with Cami for the next three days while Lucien went to work. The café was closed, I gave everyone who was supposed to work half the pay for the vacation and eventually after three emails back and forth about how it was unfair to mess with their wages and livelihood, I got three people left on my staff.

It made me sad, and angry that they just assumed I was doing it for fun or my own benefit, but thankfully, I didn't have to worry about them anymore, and I didn't have to give them half pay next week or for the three days they didn't work since they quit before that.

For the other three I sent them separate emails, apologizing, telling them what was really going on, and then I told them about how I was making big changes in my life that might affect their hours, essentially giving them more.

They told me they understood how hard it could be to join a life with a kid, and that it was alright and I didn't have to explain everything.

I didn't like it, but I accepted it and would talk to them more about it in person after the holiday week.

As of Saturday evening, I was officially making Thanksgiving dinner for all the single 'brothers' of the MC, my brother, Cami and some kids who would be coming as well. I tried to get a head count and realized it would be above 40.

That made me scramble around for places to get a big enough bird and enough hams. I did math in my head, easily, and Lucien tried to help out by saying we could use some of the brotehrs apartments with ovens-

"But then I can't be the one making everything can I?" I asked him and he clamped his mouth shut, smiling just slightly and I went back to working out mashed potatoes using both russets and sweet potatoes. I would do like 10 pounds of gravy with all the meat. Cranberry sauce.

Desserts and stuffing. I worked that out quickly enough.

That's when I heard Ryan, or Razor, talking about how he could get his mother to lend us her two ovens since they would be out of town and I damn there cheered. "Not to mention we have those two deep fry things we did that turkey in two years ago."

"That man... is a godsend." I told Lucien and cheered before getting up from the couch. Cami had gone to bed almost an hour ago, and she had helped me plan the snacks and desserts for the entire Razorback Family.

There would be five kinds of pie, brownies and cookies for dessert, but for snacks I would make some muffins and pick up chips and dip.

She would held me with the easy things like mixing and refills. 

"Tell her that my sister Tara is sticking around and is willing to help." Ryan shouted and I relaxed a bit more. "Though, she usually burns toast."

"Great." I whispered and moved closer to the kitchen to finish up my lists of things. I would be going tomorrow, super early. With or without company. I had told Lucien that and he didn't like it, said he would get someone to come over early in the morning and follow me out.

I didn't mind it anymore. I was worried something would happen each time Cami and I went somewhere the past couple days. I would be looking over my shoulder, around the corner... everywhere.

"Ryan said to head to the clubhouse in the morning, he will keep everything for the day of there and we can bring the dessert stuff here or there. I don't know what you want." Lucien leaned into the kitchen and my mind tried to focus on what would be best before I closed my eyes.

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