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The entire dinner went smooth. Lucien and Avery were talking about the stupid stunts he pulled in high school on his own motorcycle and they bonded over scars and I sat there, sipping my whiskey and watched them act like they knew each other for years and were just keeping up.

I waved to my brother as he took off and I turned back to see Lucien holding out a helmet. Not the one I wore the other day, but a all black one with roses and leaves where ears would go.

"Where did you get that?" I asked and took it from his hands.

"I picked it up at the shop today. I can't ride in to the compound without my bike babe." He smirked and I looked him over, he was never without his little biker vest with the MC logo on the back.

"So I have to get on the bike huh?" I asked and he nodded and licked his lips. I had to admit, I hated the thought of getting on the back of one when Avery was a teenager. However, I kind of wanted to get back on the bike with Lucien.

Last time I was on his bike it was fun. I had been hyper aware of my surrounding and didn't enjoy it like I should have, and I couldn't wait to enjoy it this time.

"Is this alright to wear tonight?" I asked looking down at my jeans, my thin shirt, and then looking for my boots.

"Maybe add a jacket. It gets windy on the back of a bike babe." He told me and I nodded and bit my lip before going upstairs and grabbing the only jacket I had put in my duffle bag. It wasn't leather like his vest, but I might just fit in at the club.

I walked down with it on, and I looked around for am boots before finding them. Lucien had already gone through the garage and as I stuffed my feet into my boots I heard his bike start up. It sent a chill down my spine and made my lady bits quiver.

The entire bike might seem like a giant vibrator, but it was different than that when you get on. You don't feel the vibrations because it makes your entire body vibrate. However... I would be able to hold onto Lucien the entire ride, feel his legs touching mine, put my trust in him to make sure we don't fall.

It was a different kind of turn on than I was used to. He had my life in his hands, and I knew, deep inside that he didn't take that lightly. I might not know everything about him... but I knew he wanted to protect me.

I pushed the new helmet on my head as I got closer to him on the bike and he smirked at me as I tossed my leg over the bike to sit close behind him. Pushing my chest up and against him, I felt his hand on my leg and he pulled them up to the pegs.

"Ready for another ride with me?" He asked and I nodded. "Good... hold on tight." He put up the kickstand, rolled forward slowly until we were out of the garage, hit two buttons until the gate was opened for us and he waited yet again on the street for the gate to start closing.

I felt my arms as well as my legs tighten as he took off. The rumble of the engine made a car alar go off and I giggled. He might be older, and he might be protective, but he was just as fun as any other biker.

I held on and looked around through the shield my new helmet had and I looked at how people looked at us, and I wanted to glare at some people who were obviously irritated or talking shit.

I held on tight as he did a small wheelie and laughed at how I held him tighter. I didn't know how I could hear him laughing, but I did.

We got into a neighborhood I didn't know and I kept my eyes open for any signs of the 'compound' he talked about and I realized when he slowed and turned into a long driveway covered by another man in the same vest and a blacked out fence that we were there.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now