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"You know... when I was 16 Lucien knocked up the most horrible woman." I turned at the sound of the first female voice and saw a woman I vaguely remembered from the patch in party, with a beer in her hand. She was just standing there, watching me.

"And?" I asked and she smiled slightly and walked closer.

"I am glad she didn't stick around." She told me and I had to wonder who she was to Lucien. Was she going to tell me to stay away now? Tell me she had feelings for him all this time?

"Who are you to him?" I asked and she smiled a bit wider at my tone.

"I am Ry's sister. His younger older sister. Lucien was always around so he also became my older brother." She held up her hands, showing that she meant no harm, and I took it in after a second and she nodded and sat on one of the bar stools. "How did you meet Lucy?"

"Lucy?" I asked wondering if there was another woman around here. Not that any have come in to see if I needed help.

"Lucien. Our families have always been close. He's like a cousin or another brother. When I was 13, he stalked me and my first date because Ry asked him to. From there on out I always use that name with his woman, or well... woman." She looked me over and nodded slowly like she saw something.

"So you call him Lucy?" I asked and she giggled and nodded.

"I used to call Ryan something cute too, but then the brothers around here took to it and there was a challenge going around to see who could say it without getting hurt... bottom line, for the look and sake of my brother, I don't use it anymore." She held her hands up and leaned back.

"I don't think I ever came up with a nickname for my brother." I thought about it, and realized why. When we had been in elementary school some kids had picked on him about how he had a girl name, so I never used his name as a teasing thing.

"Is your brother here?" She asked and I nodded. "Cute?"

"If you like the military type." I told her and she made a face and I laughed. I felt that.

"Military type expect everything to be perfect and clean. I am good. I'd rather be a slob where I want." She waved at me and looked around. "Ry said to stay away from the kitchen since I burn stuff. But if you want me to help set the table or something I will." She said staying where she was and looking around at all the things I had set up to be taken out soon.

"I think we have paper plates for everyone. I guess we should know if the other turkeys are ready." I said and she nodded. 

"I'll go ask my brother, while you look for the plates. I will be back to set up the table out there. I am guessing buffet style." I nodded and she walked out, pushing a couple of the guys out of the way and they started to make fun of how little she was, and while I wasn't little, I could tell why they said that.

She was short, just a bit under me. Her hair was black and looked layered. Her eyes were a bright green and at least she had all her teeth. Some of the brothers had to get replacements, and while they looked good, you could tell if they smoked because some of their teeth were a bit more yellow than others.

Thankfully Lucien didn't smoke. 

I got things out and ready to put at the tip of the table before Tara came back. She gave me a number of minutes that Ryan expected the turkeys to take and then grabbed the stacks of plates and the two large boxes of cutlery before heading to the table.

I walked out with napkin stacks and realized that someone had put down a nice table cloth and I smiled wider when I saw Lucien, Avery, and Cami all sitting and talking together. Cami being in Avery's lap and playing with his dog tags he had taken off for her.

"He's cute for a jarhead." I heard Tara shrug and look towards me, almost worried I would have a problem with it.

"Maybe that is why he's getting out. I hate he ever joined." I rolled my eyes at the thought of my dad after turning away from her to head back into the kitchen.

I grabbed the potatoes and spoons for it and she came back and helped me set out the gravy and then the steamed veggies, and finally she helped me take out the turkey when it was ready. I didn't want to disrupt whatever they were all talking about.

We got it on the cleaned off counter and she suggested getting something to carve it, that her dad had taught her how to do that part rather than cooking.

I watched her slice up the turkey perfectly, and then someone came in with the deep fried ones and asked how we wanted to cut it up.

"I can do it." She told me and I nodded and grabbed my own beer and helped her put foil over the meat and mac and cheese once that too came out of the oven. I had her help me set the rest of the food out and then she shouted, once we were done. "Come eat mother fuckers!"

"Tara." I heard Lucien groan and I watched Cami laugh and run to her and hug her side.

"She won't repeat it." Tara held out her fist for Cami and as they fist bumped I saw Avery coming towards me.

"Yeah daddy, I know better." She told  him and looked at the entire table. "Wow that's so much food."

"Dig in when we're all here I guess." I said and saw Ryan walking in and he shouted to everyone outside that we were ready to eat inside.

No one said grace, no one wanted to lead prayer... and for the first time since I stopped holidays with my dad, I didn't feel some kind of guilt for not doing it.

"We need to push and shove." Tara laughed beside me as we were both bumped into so we collided.

"I'd rather just get my food and come back if there is any left." I laughed and looked up to see Avery and Lucien basically lording over most of the dark meat.

"Lucky bastards aren't they." Tara whispered to me. It was at that point I realized while I had started to oogle Lucien, she had been watching how easy they had it on the other side.

"Thank you." I jumped when I heard Ryan at my shoulder and he gave my cheek and kiss and I swear he was laughing at the way I jumped. 

"It's no problem."

"No... it's a lot of work." He told me and took a large bite of his food and I tried to hear what he was shouting but all I could think about was that there was food moving around while he shouted.

Before I knew it everyone was shouting my name and thanking me and I blushed and looked around before seeing Lucien and Cami smiling at me. We sat down when our plates were full. Avery beside Cami, Lucien beside me, and on the ends Ryan near Lucien and his sister Tara near Avery and I.

We ate with less talking than any other dinner before. In fact the entire room was mostly knives and forks and spoons clattering and less chit chat.

It felt like home, being here, with all this family. Even if they weren't blood, and I didn't know all of their names... they were comfortable around me and I considered them all my family now. Once you cook for 50 people... they better be more then your boyfriends friends.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now