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I felt him against me, an arm wrapped around me, holding me as if I would disappear. I tried to go back to sleep at first, but it just wasn't happening. I was never one to sleep in. I had never had the chance to. Even now my internal clock was worried about the time incase we were late to get Cami.

I wanted to shower nad change, maybe cover up any evidence of what Lucien and I did last night so she wouldn't ask any questions I didn't want to answer, or know how.

I nibbled my lip and turned onto my back, looking at Lucien as he slept, he was waking up the more I moved and by the time I was facing him, his eyes opened and he took a deep breath.

"Morning." He whispered and I nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked and he rolled this time, looking at the clock on his side of the bed and he turned back to me.

"Almost 7." He muttered and I pushed my lips together. "You can go back to sleep, I will wake you up when we need to go."

"I don't sleep in past 7." I told him and he opened one eye again and looked at me for a moment.

"Babe... you were almost drunk off your ass last night... how do you not sleep in to cure the hangover?" He asked sitting up a bit and I bit my lip.

"I never got to sleep in. I just can't do it." I told him and he smiled softly before he leaned in and gave my forehead a kiss.

"How about breakfast then?" He asked and I smiled wide.

"I can do that. Is there a kitchen here?" I asked and he nodded. "Is there a shower in that bathroom?" I asked nodding to it and he nodded.

"Should be soaps... maybe some of Cami's stuff in there if you don't like the body wash I have." I pushed his arm off me and sat up, shivering as the cold air hit my naked chest and he laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked him and he sat up this time, taking my lips in a kiss and pushing me back onto the bed. He covered me with his body and my legs spread on their own as he moved to settle between them.

"What if I can get you all tired and kitten like again?" He asked and I felt confused before he kissed me again. Then I remembered last night, cuddling up to him almost asleep under the covers, he had told me I was cuddling like a kitten. I had fallen asleep quickly after that.

"I don't like cats." I told him and he smirked.

"Me either... but I love pussy. Your pussy to be exact. You tasted to damn good last night... can I get another taste." He moved down anyway, kissing his way down my chest, licking and using his teeth on my nipples until I was already soaking the sheets.

He kissed down past my belly, over my bare mound, and I had to thank myself for thinking it was worth it during my last shower to shave everything, legs and armpits included.

He pushed my legs farther apart and proceeded to show me exactly what he did last night incase I forgot. One finger, then two, all while his tongue is teasing and pressing my clit like he was some kind of DJ making the best song ever even better.

I had another orgasm and nearly raised myself off the bed as he kept at it. "Lucien..." I cried out and put my hands in his hair. He hadn't gelled it back last night after his shower, and I liked how fluffy it was in my hands.

Less than a second later, her crawled back up my body and set his lips on mine. "Ready to sleep again?"

"No... now I am definitely awake." I giggled and he sighed. "I am taking a shower, and putting those dirty clothes back on... and looking for a kitchen because while that was amazing... I am starving." I told him and he growled something before tossing the covers off both of us and grabbing me around my waist and hauling me up against him.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now