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She had a scowl on her face as I looked back at her from putting up my bike. I smiled and tried not to laugh as she then got a dreaming look on her face. I got right in front of her and smirked down as her cheeks flamed up just a bit.

"The house is a bit messy, Cami woke up early this morning and she was playing in almost every room." I told her and nodded towards the garage door. I walked in front of her, pushing toys out of the way with my foot as we went, and I heard her giggle and when I looked back she was holding a Barbie.

"Daughter has some style." She said and tossed it back on the floor.

"I wish she had some OCD like her friend does. I invite her friend over for playdates when I get too tired to clean the house." I told her truthfully and she let out a laugh.

"I bet she has a huge toy box." Jackie laughed as we got to the living room. I tried to see the room through her eyes and I couldn't help but wince. If I wanted her to like me, this house just ruined all my chances.

"She has a couple. Some upstairs, some downstairs." I told her and moved to pick up the couch. I used my boot to open the one by the TV and dumped most of the things in my hand before going for more to pick up. "You don't have to do that." I waved her off as she started to pick things up too.

"It's fine... you think I don't know how to pick up barbies and their accessories?" She smiled at me and I smirked before going back to the hallway. I grabbed all I could carry before going back and realizing that she was right. She knew how to pick up all these things and quicker than I could ever hope to be.

"I almost forgot what the floor looked like." I laughed, and she giggled before looking around. "Upstairs is worse, but the bonus is that you will have your own bathroom. She uses mine and makes a mess out of it." I told her and moved to grab the bag she had brought with her.

I got to the stairs and heard her following me slowly. I knew she was looking around again. She would see dirty dishes and more toys and Sofia plates and cups and things from Cami's breakfast all over and I never felt more emasculated in my life.

I walked past Cami's room and groaned. I hadn't even looked in there this morning. Her clothes were all over the floor and her bed and I just shook my head as I closed her door.

"Oh... to be young again." She laughed lightly, and I just clenched my jaw.

"Like I said, she doesn't really pick up, she drops." I cleared my throat and waved her forward. "This is my room, our bathroom, and then down the hall is going to be yours."

At this point I knew I wouldn't get her in my bed. I should have just taken her to the clubhouse and Cami would have had to deal with partying through the weekend.

I opened the bathroom door and then the bedroom and she walked in and set her things down. "When do you think I will be able to go and get my duffle bag?" She asked as she set her purse down on the bed and I just licked my lips.

"That depends on what I have to do today."

"Am I delaying you? You can go. I won't take anything. I promise." I scoffed at the mention of her taking anything.

"I know you won't. I just want to make sure you are comfortable baby. I work at an auto body shop. Prez owns and works in it too."

"Your Prez?" I nodded at her question.

"Razor... yeah. He's also Camilla's god father."

"Ah, so you're like best friends. Makes you the Vice Prez huh?" She asked on a laugh and I just nodded.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now