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I had the best week of my life during Thanksgiving. I tried to spend as much time with my girls as possible, and we had an amazing weekend after the fact just getting to know each other better, and going to get a tree.

We got it up, lights crowding around it, and as we got to the ornaments, we were distracted by what my woman now wants to do for the brothers for Christmas.

I felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. She just got a kick out of doing the thanksgiving stuff and we just got down eating the leftovers, and she's already planning on other stuff. I had shaken my head and told her to wait off on that, most of the guys tried to get to their real remaining family for the big holidays.

Not all, but most.

But for the weekend, right after Cami's week back, she was going to right to Ryan's and I was going to have my woman all to myself. He had a fishing trip planned so I wasn't worried about her being bored and wanting to come home.

I got to the house on Friday, Cami was running around ready to go, and I laughed as she realized it was only me.

I kissed the top of her head and told her he would be by soon to get her. Walking into the kitchen I saw my woman at the sink, cleaning out Cami's lunch box.

I leaned into her back, kissing her neck and making her giggle. Her lips met mine and I hummed happily.

"Ready for the entire weekend with me?" I asked her and she nodded and leaned back into me a bit. I was taking her to dinner, a real 'date' and I just wanted bring her home and enjoy having her over every surface in this place.

I got to the other side of the kitchen and sat down, taking off my boots for a few minutes knowing I was going to shower before we headed out.

"How was your day?" I asked and she was moving closer to me.

"It was good, almost all the way done training my new assistant manager." She told me and did a little hip dance and I smiled and grabbed her hips and pulled her close.

I heard a honk and she pulled away, I mentally started thanking Ryan for showing up before my shower. Maybe we would get to share one. I kissed her lips and went to get the door so he could get Cami's things and head out as son as possible.

"Uncle Ryan." Cami shouted and ran out of the house to hug his legs before coming back and giving me a hug.

I pulled her up, ready to give her the talk that I give her every time she goes with him. "No staying up late, no sugar after 8, and no having too much fun without me." I gave her forehead a kiss and set her down and she ran back inside while I nodded to Ryan.

"I'm all set. Her bed is in place, I picked up that new princess movie that came out that she doesn't have yet, and we're going to eat some leftovers for dinner."

"Good, no sugar-"

"You don't have to remind me. Last time she was up until 3 am and I had to ride around with her the next day like she slept for hours." He shook his head and I laughed. That was my girl. Giving her uncle hell for not following the rules.

"And tomorrow-"

"Fishing, early, so she will be going down as early as possible. Maybe even take a nap if I am lucky tomorrow when we get back. I will have her back on Sunday at 5." He told me and I turned to see where she was but caught sight of her giving Jackie the biggest tightest hug goodbye.

Jackie stayed at the door, not having shoes on she didn't want to come out. I realized she had little rules about everything that she follows no matter what. Had to come from her father and her upbringing.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now