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I watched my girls laugh and dance. She put on some movie I usually didn't want to watch, and Jackie did a little routine with her, helping her dance like a little princess.

I could watch them for hours. The only problem, the music. I tolerated it in the car, and I liked how the movies used to put Cami to sleep, but to hear the music more than three times, I had it. Dinner was great, and Cami helped dry everything as I washed. We had been a duo team for so long it was different, yet nice. I would have gone for take out if Jackie hadn't been here.

I saw Cami yawn and stop dancing and I made my move then. "Alright munchkin. Bed." I lifted her over my shoulder and she giggled and kicked a bit but I kept her steady. Taking her all the way up the stairs and then tossing her on the bed I smiled at her. I heard Jackie coming up as I told Cami to change and that I would get her toothbrush ready.

I went into our bathroom and saw that while it had been cleaned, it wasn't as organized as the rest of the rooms in the house. I shook my head, got her tooth brush ready and as Cami came in, now in her little night dress with Snow White on it, she brushed her teeth and I sang the happy birthday song twice. She used her little kid mouthwash and when she was done I rinsed the sink and she set off to get a book for me to read. She was starting to get into the chapter books more and more.

Thankfully she was finally getting into Harry Potter. I walked into her room and saw her snuggled in already, tucking her tight before getting the book she left out I asked if she remembered where she last heard and for another 20 minutes I read until I looked up and she was sleeping, mouth open, hands clenching her teddy and I smiled before leaning down and kissing her forehead.

I flicked the night light on, moved towards the door and hit the big light before noticing Jackie watching me. "What?" She had this look in her eye, like she couldn't believe what she had just seen.

"You are so good to her." She whispered and I felt my stomach bottom out. She told me she and her dad weren't close, but to know that she thought something so simple as a bed time story was amazing... it made me hate the man too.

Avery and her had talked about what their dad wanted to do until the guy was caught, and I had stayed out of it because it wasn't my family, and it wasn't going to affect her. He hadn't asked to see her which seemed to be a great news for her, but I had to wonder if she had wished he would make an effort.

I grabbed her hand, pulled her right into my arms and gave her forehead a kiss like I had just done Cami. I held her tight and walked right into my room, her not trying to stop me even though she had said something about waiting for Cami to see more of us together, I took her to bed.

Kissing her lips as soon as she sat down and I rested my hands on her hips. "I wasn't going to give you the time of day ever." She whispered and I paused and waited for her to continue. "I saw the bike and the cut... and I was going to flirt back... but the first day I got to talk to you... you had dogtags." She reached up and pulled my cousins from under my shirt and I saw the tears rising in her eyes.

"You didn't want a military man?" I asked and she shook her head and just looked at them for only a moment longer before up into my eyes.

"I never wanted a man to choose duty over family. I never wanted a man who would control my life like he did." I shook my head and moved to put my forehead on hers and I waited. "And then you actually saved my life, and you are controlling me... but in such a different way." She raised her hands from my chest to around my neck and I felt her pull me slightly, and I let her.

She gave me a kiss that would have any brother on their knees. Her mouth was heaven, her tongue danced and I wanted to cherish every stroke and movement. She moved to lean back, her hands pulling me along so I was bracing myself on top of her.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now