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I didn't know what he meant by saying I was his. Some kind of joke that he must have with himself over protecting me. But I let myself be tempted by the idea of actually being his.

He was a hell of a kisser, his possessive body language turned me on, and he was a great dad. What woman would be able to not turn into a puddle of goo over this man? My ovaries were screaming for him and now that I knew those dog tags weren't his... I might just give him a chance.

I licked my lips, still tasting his on them even now that we were back in the car, and almost to the grocery store. I had a list of things in my purse that we agreed that we would get, and when he started to look for a parking spot I finally looked over at him.

He had his biker vest on. His hair was pushed back, his shades blocking his eyes, and I licked my lips one more time, tasting him and wondering when he would kiss me again.

He pulled into a spot and the car turned off quick and I climbed out and waited as Cami got out and shut her door. She waited near the back of the car and I looked around not wondering why until Lucien came over with a basket, he lifted her  and put her in the bigger part of the basket and reached back to grab my hand.

We started to walk together, still hand and hand. We started out getting vegetables and fruits. Cami certainly liked a lot of them and it was kind of refreshing to see a kid like good things rather than the sweets that I usually make and put with tons of sugar and chocolate in her body.

"Now what?" Lucien asked and I looked around and saw the milk.

"Milk, eggs, creamer, stuff like that." I told him and he nodded before heading right over and just reaching in to grab whatever. He didn't even check the eggs. "Give me those." I shook my head as I took them from him. He looked confused as I opened and moved to put them back because two on the side were cracked.

"What was wrong with the ones that I picked up?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"You didn't check them. I bet you didn't look at the expiration dates on anything else." I told him and moved to look at the milk and saw that it was 2 days away from going bad.

"Those Sell By dates are merely suggestions." He told me and I shook my head.

"Who owns a café and bakes for a living?" I asked and he shook his head and looked to his daughter as she started laughing at him.

"You bake?" She asked me when I got a new gallon of milk and a new creamer from the back.

"Yes. I own a little coffee shop and I make the scones, and muffins and other things that go with other kinds of pastries." I told her and her eyes kind of lit up and I smiled slowly.

"I love watching cooking channels. Do you know that there are competitions that kids get to do against grownups?" She asked and I shook my head.

"Do they team up or go against each other?" I asked and she kept telling me about her favorite baker and show. "That sounds cool. Maybe it will be on when we get back to your house and we can see some of it." I told her and she squealed and looked at her dad and started to ask if we could get some stuff to bake with.

"What are you going to make if we do get stuff?" He asked as he tossed in some pancake mix and headed back down the aisle while I pushed.

"How about blueberry muffins." I offered out when she looked back at me for some kind of help. "We did already pick up some and it's easy and quick and it could be breakfast tomorrow." I told her and she cheered and looked back at her dad. She started to bat her eyes and I wondered for just a split second if it would work.

Lucien (Razorback MC Book 1)[Full series on Novelcat]Where stories live. Discover now