Chapter 7

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Stan's PoV

That was weird. Bill just left. Was he blushing? I shook the thought from my head and changed into my clothing.

I still can't believe I let myself cry in front of Bill last night. In like 5 days, I've let two people witness my break downs. That is not ok. My count went from 0-2.

I know I should be more comfortable expressing myself to others and letting people know when I'm not ok. But it's hard to break an old habit. I've been taught to keep my feeling in since I was a child.

I sighed. My childhood had not been a good one. So much pressure, so much negativity, so much anger. I'm somewhat relieved that I got kicked out. But I don't want to think about that till I have too. This summer is supposed to be stress free and family free.

I hung my towel on the back of the bathroom door and brushed my teeth. I walked out to the eating area and grabbed some breakfast. I walked to the tables and looked for a place to sit. I spotted Bill and his friends and decided to sit there. 

I walked over and sat down next to Ben. Bill looked at me and blushed. I gave him a soft smile in return. He looked down at his food and I did too.

God. I'm so fucking screwed.

"What's up Stan the man?" Richie asked.

"Nothing much." I said shrugging.

"Heard you and Bill had an eventful morning." Richie smirked.

Richie winced in pain before he glared across the table at Bill. I guess Bill kicked him in the shin.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

What the fuck was Richie talking about.

"Nothing. He means nothing." Bill said glaring fiercely at Richie.

"But what does Richie mean? I'm confused." Ben asked.

"Me too." I added.

"Nothing happened. We woke up, Stan took a shower and I went to Richie and Eddie's." Bill sharply said.

"You forgot the part where you got really excited." Richie added wiggling his eyebrows.

The table moved as Bill kicked Richie in the shin, hard.

"Ow. What the hell Bill?"

Bill just glared at Richie. You could tell he wanted to tell Richie something, but Bill being a nice person held it in.

But what did Richie mean by Bill being 'really excited'? I'm so confused.

"Um anyway, we are going to go down to the lake later. Wanna come Stan?" Eddie asked switching the subject.

"Sure." I said casually.

I was actually really happy to go. I was making friends and I got to hang out with Bill. Wait, does he still think I hate him? I guess I should clear things up.

We talked about random things for the rest of breakfast. We all walked back to our cabins to get ready to go to the lake. I walked behind Bill, Richie, and Eddie.

I walked into our cabin behind Bill. It was a little awkward as we packed our bags. I made sure I had my towel, water, and extra clothes.

"I'll change in the bathroom. Tell me when you're decent." I said before walking into the bathroom.

I slipped on my swim trunks and waited for Bill to tell me I could come out. Ha. 'Come out'. My god I'm turning into Richie.

"I'm changed." Bill called out.

I walked out and slipped on some sandals before grabbing my bag. We exited the cabin and meet up with the others.

This time I made sure to walk next to Bill.

"Hey Bill?" I said.


"I need to talk to you."

I slowed down so we were a little ways away from the rest of the group. Bill slowed down as well, so I took that as my cue to talk.

"I don't hate you."

"Really? Then why did you say you did?" He asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"I can't tell you that yet."

He rolled his eyes and huffed. He started walking faster but I grabbed his arm. I blushed at the contact and immediately dropped his arm.

"Look, can we just please put this in the past? I'll tell you why I said that eventually but I'm not ready. Ok?"

Bill was quiet for awhile before he spoke.


I smiled.

I'm making progress.

So they're friends now.

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