Chapter 44

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Bill's PoV

It's been two weeks since Stan came over to work on our project, and we finished yesterday. It was really easy but mr Mathews had a three week due date. We haven't talked about anything and I want too, but he isn't ready. I will admit that what I said was harsh, I don't even know why I said that. I think I'm hurting more then I let on.

Anyways, I was currently hanging out with Alex at my house. We were working on some homework when he set his book down and looked at me.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked looking at him.

He sighed. "I uh I need to tell you something."

I got up from my desk and sat down next to him on my bed. "What is it?" I asked gently.

"Don't be mad, I'm really sorry. But I've kind of been using you."

"How so?"

He closed his eyes. "I got broken up with and you came into my life the next day so I thought I could date you to get over him. It-it didn't really work and now I feel really guilty." He told me.

I relaxed. "It's ok, I'm not mad."

He opened his eyes at me and looked at my surprised. "You aren't?"

I shook my head. "I guess I'm going to be honest now too. I've been doing the same thing. Except I broke up with my boyfriend."

"I'm really sorry."

"Me too alex, me too. Why did you decide to tell me now?"

"He wants to get back together with me. He told me why he broke up with me and I've decided forgive him."

I smiled at him. "I'm happy for you. Can we still be friends?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'd like that. How are things with your ex?"

I sighed. "Not so well. We've gotten in two fist fights and I said some pretty fucked up things to him."

He looked at me. "Does your ex happen to be Stan?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

He rubbed my arm. "I hope it gets better for you two."


We continued doing our homework and I felt better. I felt relieved. I didn't really have any romantic feelings towards Alex, only sexual feelings to get Stan out of my system, and I'm glad we are over. No matter how bad that sounds, it's true, and I know alex feels the same.

Maybe now that I'm not dating Alex, I can talk to my dad. I know they have nothing in common but, I could try and talk to him. I've been such a brat to him. It's just been hard, but I know I need to. I'm 16 and need to get over this. It's affecting our whole family, not just me and my dad.

There's tension between my parents, I only talk nicely to my mom and that makes my dad sort of jealous and moody. Georgie isn't as talkative to me since I've started swearing more, and he's sort sad. I feel like I'm fucking up this whole family just because I can't talk to my dad.

"I have to go." Alex said. "I'm meeting Jace, my ex."

"Alright. Have fun."

He packed up his things and left.

About ten minutes later I heard my dads car pull up and the door open and close. He went to the park with Georgie and I figured now is better then ever to talk to him. I walked downstairs and stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

"What?" My mom yelled.

"I'm sorry. I don't know where he went." My dad said.

Where who went?

I walked around the corner and saw my dad still in his shoes and coat, Georgie no where in sight.

"Where's Georgie?" I asked.

My parents heads snapped towards me and my mom looked like she was going to cry. My dad opened his mouth, and closed it.

"Where's Georgie?" I repeated.

"Bill..." my mom trailed off.

"Where is he? I wanted to talk to you and him anyways." I told my dad.

"I don't know." My dad said quietly.

"You don't know!" I yelled.

"We were out at the park and I got a call. I turned my back for a second and then he was gone. I spent two hours looking for him around the area."

I teared up. "You were supposed to take care of him!"

"I know Bill-"

"No! I was going to talk to you, and-and you lost Georgie!" I walked over to him and hit his chest. "I hate you!"

"Bill stop." My dad told me.

I didn't. I kept hitting his chest, not very hard, and yelling that I hated him. I started to cry.

"Bill please." He pleaded.

"I never want to see you again!" I yelled at him. "I-I'm going out."

I ran back upstairs and grabbed my phone and put on my shoes before I raced back downstairs and out of my house.

I found myself running up the stairs at Stan's apartment. I have no idea how I got here, guess I realized Stan always comforted me. I knocked on the door repeatedly until someone finally opened it.

"Bill? What's wrong?" Stan asked.

I couldn't say anything since I was crying. He grabbed my arm and led me into his apartment, closing the door behind us.
I pulled him into a hug and he stiffened at first, but hugged back. God how I've missed this. He began rubbing my back and it started calming me down.

Once I stoped crying I let go and wiped my nose and eyes on the sleeve of my long-sleeve shirt.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's ok. What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Georgie-Georgie..." I trailed off.

"Georgie's what?"

"He's missing!" I cried out and tears sprung into my eyes.

Stan's face paled and he pulled me into a hug.


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