Chapter 23

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Stan's PoV

The first day of my junior year went by very well for me. Nothing out of the ordinary happened and I was glad it was over. The first day is always the most stressful for me, except for the days I missed, that's just a wreck to make up.

Bill came over and we were playing a video game when there was a knock on the door. We didn't do anything about it right away, figuring it was for Sophia. If it was for me, they'd just come to my room. It wasn't until we heard shouting that we went closer to the door.

And there stood my father in our doorway.

I knew this would be bad so I needed to get Bill out of here. We were standing at the end of the hallway and my dad hadn't spotted me yet.

"Bill leave." I told him.

He looked at me confused. "What? Why?"

"Just please leave." I told him with desperation in my voice. "Walk right out and don't look back ok?"

He nodded. I gave him a gentle push to get him going. I walked behind him and Bill was just about to the door when my father spotted us. I knew we weren't going to go unnoticed but we had gotten so far.

"Stanley... who's this?" He asked roughly grabbing Bill's arm.

"Just let him go."

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Let him go." I repeated.

He stared at Bill in complete disgust before shoving him out the door and slamming the door shut.

"Only because I don't need his parents up my ass."

"Should've thought that before you grabbed his arm." I snapped at him.

"Don't use that tone with me." He took a threatening step forward but I didn't back away. Yeah I'm completely and utterly scared of my father right now, but he didn't need to know that.

He took another step, and another, until he was right in front of me. He looked at me for a split second before he punched me in the stomach. I doubled over from the pain.

"I'm very disappointed in you Stanley. You were such a good boy. Now you're just a disgrace."

He brought his knee up and into my face since I was still bending over. Pain flared throughout my face and I saw blood starting to drip on the floor. Good thing it's not carpet.

"Why are you even here?" My sister asked.

"You have until 6 to take whatever you want from the house before I get rid of it all. I wanted to destroy it all right away, but your mother said you had the right to go through it first. Be there before 6, or it all goes to the dump."

He threw one last punch to my side before he left. Sophia rushed over to me and brought me into the kitchen and helped me onto the counter.

"Stan!" A voice yelled from the doorway. I turned to see Bill running over to me. I immediately felt embarrassed.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave?" I asked sadly. I didn't want him to see this.

"I did, I hid in the laundry room. Then when I saw him leave I came back up." He admitted sheepishly. "Who was that?"

I tried to look down but Sophia kept my face up so she could clean it, so I closed my eyes.

"That was our father." Sophia answered for me.


Sophia started pulling my shirt up but I stoped her. "Stan I have to-"

"Bill go wait in the living room please. I'll be out shortly." I said not looking at him.

"Ok." He said sadly and I heard him walk out of the kitchen.

"Why'd you do that?" My sister asked, and she sounded mad.

"I don't want him to see this." I whispered ashamed.

"He stayed, because he cares."

I took off my shirt and Sophia started to put some cream on the already forming bruises. I slipped my shirt back on before I walked over to Bill.

"Um Sophia and I have to go back to our old house to get some of our stuff. You can stay here and wait till we get back if you want."

Bill stood up from the couch. "What if I want to go with?"

I shook my head. "No. I don't want you to come."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Fine. Then I'll go home. It's clear you don't want me here." He walked past me and towards the door.

"Bill!" It was no use, he slammed the door behind him.

"What happened?" Sophia asked coming into the living room.

"Nothing. Let's just go get our stuff. We only have and hour and half and I have to meet Bev for ice cream at 6:30."

"Are you sure you want to go out with Bev? I mean you just-"

"I'm fine." I cut her off.

I quickly put my shoes and didn't wait for Sophia to follow me before I walked to her car. I was mad. Mad at my dad.

"Holy shit Stan! What the hell happened?" Bev asked me when I sat down in the booth she was seated in.

"My dad came to visit." I mumbled.


"Yeah. He said we had until 6 to grab whatever we wanted before he brought it to the dump. I sassed him and he hit me. Sophia and I got our stuff though, but I think Bill's mad at me."

She tilted her head. "Why?"

I told her what happened only mer hours before. I don't know what I did to make Bill so upset. I didn't want him to come my house since my parents would be there. I didn't want him to see anything in case something happened. Plus I didn't want my dad to say anything mean and hurtful to Bill. I was protecting him.

"But let's eat our ice cream and talk about something else. How are you and Ben doing?" I asked with a smirk.

Her cheeks got a tint of pink and she bit back a smile. Ben and Bev got together towards the end of camp and are really something. Ben is such a kind person and he's nothing but good to Bev.

"We're good. We went on a date the night before school started and he's honestly super sweet. I can't believe I didn't notice the romantic side of him till now."

I smiled. "That's good. I'm happy for you two."

She nodded her head. "I'm happy for you and Bill. You guys are such a cute couple."

"Yeah, if we are even a couple anymore." I mumbled.

"You guys had a fight. Your relationship isn't over yet. You'll guys talk it out and be back together in no time. Trust me."

"Whatever you say Bev."

We continued to eat our ice cream and talked about random stuff. It started to get late to so we had to go. I said bye to Bev and walked back to my apartment.

Sophia tried to talk to me but I brushed her off. I felt a little guilty but I just wanted to take a shower and go to bed. I had a long day ahead of me.

It's me birthday!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Imma double update, again

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