Chapter 38

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Bill's PoV

Stan left, along with Georgie's friends. I had helped cleaned up and now I was in my room. I was putting everything Stan had ever given me, on my bed to put in a box. 11 drawings, 2 bracelets, 1 necklace, 1 bottle of baby blue nail polish, 1 dark blue sweatshirt, 1 white sweatshirt, 3 small teddy bears, and a shit ton of pictures. Unfortunately, I couldn't put the kisses and love he gave me in here.

I just wanted to tear all of it to shreds. But once again, I couldn't find myself doing that so I resorted to putting it all in a box. I couldn't throw this box away either, so I'm settling with the way back of closet.

"We need to talk, now." My dad firmly said from my doorway. 

I continued to put the stuff in the box, ignoring him once again. We haven't spoke yet, I've only said 'I'm not hungry' to him, a couple of times.

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me."

"Then you better get fucking comfy." I snapped at him.

"Watch your language."

"I really don't give a shit." I spoke truthfully.

"Bill, what's going on with you?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Like you care."

"I do, that's why I'm asking."

"Just leave me the fuck alone."

"No. I'm your father-"

"Is that so?" I asked cutting him off, I turned around and looked at him. "Well I've heard that fathers are supposed to care and be proud of their children." I took steps forward, towards him. "And don't you dare fucking say you are proud of me. So just get out of my room, and leave me the fuck alone."

He looked sad and shocked by words. I could tell he wanted to say something but he sighed and left my room. I closed my door after he exited.

"All fucking bullshit." I mumbled, picking up the box of my stuff. I walked to my closet and placed it all the way in the farthest corner and stacked a ton of crap on top of it, before I shut the door and laid down in my bed.

It was only five thirty, but I was feeling a nap. So I took one.

Stan's PoV

"Hi, um is Andrew home?" I asked the lady at the door. She looked me up and done before she nodded her head.

"Andy! Someone's here for you!" She yelled behind her shoulder. I stood there awkwardly as she looked at me before Andrew appeared at the door and the lady walked away.

He looked surprised to see me. Probably because I've never been here before, I've only spoken to him at school.

"Stan, Hey. What do you need?"

"I was wondering if we could just hang out? I get it if you can't since it's short notice."

"No I can. Just a sec."

He disappeared into his house and reappeared back moments later with a coat and some shoes on.


"No problem. I was bored at home and my dad wanted me to clean. You're a life saver." He chuckled. "So why did you want to hang out?"

I sighed. "Well, if I had hung out with the other losers they would've asked what happened to my face, Bill and I got in a fight cause I know you're wondering, and then they would've asked how that happened and a bunch of stupid questions about how I'm feeling. I just know you won't."

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