Chapter 28

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Stan's PoV

"Love. How are you feeling?" I asked sitting on Bill's bed.

He groaned and opened his eyes. "I've been better." He mumbled.

I chuckled softly and rubbed his back. Bill and Georgie got sick after they played outside in the rain. Sharon had called me and asked if I could come over and help since she had to go to work, I obliged.

"Go check on Georgie. Spend more time with him then with me. He got upset yesterday because I had been spending more time with my friends and homework and you then with him. He's right, I haven't been spending time with him." Bill explained what Georgie had told him yesterday in their parents bathroom.

"I'll go check on him." I kissed bill's forehead before I went down the hall do Georgie's room.

I knocked on the door and heard a small voice say I could come in. I sat down next to Georgie on his bed.

"How you doing kid?" I asked ruffling his hair.

"I'm sick." He whined.

"Yeah? I didn't notice." I joked.

"Haha." He said before he started coughing. I rubbed his back as he coughed. Poor kid. He was very pale and he looked sweaty.

"What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed to visit my favorite kid?" I asked pretending to be hurt.

"No you are. But I don't want you to get sick."

"Your mom called me to take care of you since she had to work. It's ok if I get sick, as long as you get better."

"Thanks Stan." He moved so he could hug me. His small arms wrapped around my waist and he fell asleep. He just fell asleep. Sharon must have given him to much cough syrup.

I sighed and tried to remove his arms but they tightened around my waist. Ok, I'm not getting free from this death grip. I laid down in Georgie's bed so we could be more comfortable. His arms stayed around my waist and he dug his face into my chest, I put my arm around to his back so I could rub it while I slept. When I was younger and sick, my mom would rub my back while I slept, it was comforting.

We stayed like that for about two hours before he woke up.

"Nice nap?" I asked.

"Yeah. You're a very good pillow and teddy bear." He said.

I laughed. "Thanks."

"Can I have something to eat? I'm hungry." Georgie asked.

"Of course. What do you want?"

"I don't know. Chicken noddle soup. My mom always feeds me that when I'm sick."

"Coming right up." I got off of his bed and went to the kitchen. I cooked some chicken noodle soup and divided it into two separate bowls.

"Here. Eat up love." I said handing him a bowl of soup.

He sat up in his bed and placed it in his lap. "Thanks."

"Are you feeling any better?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I took a nice nap."

"So did Georgie. I was his teddy bear." I said with a smile.

"Go bring him his food." He said as he began to eat.

"I am. I wanted to check up on you, you're sick too."

"Yeah yeah. But he's nine."

I rolled my eyes. "I'll be back." I placed a kiss on his forehead before walking back to his younger brother's room.

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