Chapter 7: (Your Story)

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You: It all started 2 years ago I was walking Pixie, Jakes police dog he had when he first went into the academy.

I thought I heard someone behind me, but when I turned back around when I thought it was nothing but someone was holding me in place. He had Light Blond hair and blue eyes.  (Italic= unknown vampire bold= Y/n)

"What are you doing out here this late at night?"

He asked me. Then I replied with

"walking my dog."

He responded with

"maybe this will teach you to be more careful. Oh and don't move."

Then he bit me. It was like you could feel the blood leaving your body the pain was excruciating.

I tried to move out of his grasp but it only tightened. When he was done he said

"it wouldn't have hurt so bad if you would have listened to me."

Then I passed out I woke up the next day in my bed. The hunger over came me and that was the day my parents died it wasn't from a home invasion.

It was from me. Everyone passed it off as a home invasion. And all the cases Jake has been investigating, I caused.

I hugged Colby and broke down in his arms.

You: It's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault.

Colby: it's not your fault it's that vampire's fault for touching you, I would kill him if I knew who it was.

When you stopped crying you explained the rest of your story.

You: I drink blood bags now. But a couple weeks before I met you I noticed the animal like figure.

But the day you moved in I walked outside to go for a jog.

Then I saw you and that is when I felt the urge to drink someone's blood more than ever. Even more than the first time.

Colby: wow, that's what was wrong with you the first time we met.

You: Yeah...

You started thinking back and reliving that day, coming to a realization.

You: Did you ever notice that every time I looked into Sam's eyes I passed out.

Colby: yeah, that is kinda strange.

You think back to Sam's eyes. You have seen those eyes before. 2 years ago, they belonged to the person who changed you.

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