When you woke up you were in a dark room, in a cell, just like prison, but, your hands were tied behind your back. You felt exhausted. You began to look around and seen Colby to your left and Brennen on your right.
You: Guys? Is that you?
Colby: Baby?
You: baby it's me, I'm okay.
Brennen: Cut the crap you two.
Colby: If it wasn't for you we wouldn't be in this mess.
Brennen: That may be true. Actually, that is completely true.
Abby: All of you shut up Katrina is here to see the person carrying the child that would compete with hers.
You then see the infamous Katrina.
Katrina: Hello.
She said as she unlocked the cell door. You tried to speak, but no sound came out. You had a feeling if it wasn't for the baby helping you, you would have been dead.
Brennen: Abby messed her up real good, I know for a fact if it wasn't for the baby she'd be dead.
You looked at him as he practically read your thoughts.
Katrina: Abby, if this happens again, your dead, but for now, go get some water and some blood for our guest.
Abby: Yes, master Katrina.
Katrina turned to you. Her face softened from the angry expression she had with Abby.
Katrina: You've been through a lot eh?
Colby: Yeah she has Salem is just as rough as Ontario.
Katrina: Oh the father speaks. Or should I say young wolf.
Brennen: If you meant father I spoke a long time ago.
Katrina looked confused for a few moments.
Katrina: Well when she's able to speak again she'll explain everything.
Katrina started inching closer to you. You knew you were scared. You began scooting away from her, trying your best to get away from her, when you realized your hands were chained to the wall.
Katrina: I'm not going to hurt you, I promise.
Brennen: Promises doesn't mean anything to her. She's been lied to and betrayed too many times.
You thought back on those times ending with the memory of your brother. A tear rolled down your cheek as you heard the word "freak" Echo in your head. Katrina sat down on the concrete floor and wiped the tear away.
Katrina: I'm sorry this happened to you. It was the only way to do this.
You nodded. Abby had just then returned with the water and blood. Katrina handed them to you and you drank them. You felt a surge of energy go through you.
You: I feel so much better.
Katrina: I knew you would.
You looked over at Colby and he looked horrible, like he hadn't ate anything in weeks, and he looked severely dehydrated.
You: Babe, you okay?
Colby: I've been better. But I don't care, as long as your okay.
Brennen: Well I feel horrible, and I could care less how either of you feel I only want to get myself out of here!
Katrina: That is exactly why I'm not giving you anything. Abby, can you get Colby some water.
Abby: Yes master Katrina.
Colby: Thank you Kat.
Katrina: That's a nice nickname, you know what, you guys can call me that.
Brennen: You know what some people call cats right? P-
Katrina: That is exactly why you are not allowed to call me Kat.
Katrina said interrupting him. You suddenly felt very faint. You then fell back onto the concrete. You started having a seizure.
What was the cause of the seizure? Will the child be affected?

أدب الهواةYou are a vampire... but no one knows and no one can find out. Especially not your brother, Jake. Who is a cop that is investigating cases that you've caused. You know he wouldn't accept it. Soon, you realize a person following you around with a str...