You: Ho- How I thought you were dead.
Sam: I have my ways that you don't need to know about.
You try to run but you realize he is a lot faster and stronger than you. He grabs you by the shoulders and hold you in place. You look down and close your eyes trying not to look into his.
Sam: Look up babygirl. It'll all be okay. Just look into my eyes.
He forces your head up and breaks a chair near by and stabs you with the leg, through the stomach, which makes you open your eyes in pain.
Sam: I told you to look, but you didn't listen. You'll learn to listen soon.
You manage to make three words come out of your mouth before you collapse.
You: No. I. Won't.
*Colby's POV*
I pull up in my car and see y/n's front door open. I walk in and I smell her blood immediately. I see the pool of blood in the kitchen and call Jake.
Colby: Jake, y/n's gone.
I said bawling my eyes out.
Jake: What do you mean she's gone?
Colby: she's not here. There's blood all over the kitchen floor.
Jake: I'm on my way now.
Thoughts started racing through my head and I decided to go in her room and make sure she's not there.
She wasn't there. I ended up laying on her bed and crying into her pillow until Jake got there.
*Your POV*
I wake up in a room. There is no light, only darkness, and your tied to a chair. Just then a door opens.
Sam: Look who's up, it's about time you wake up babygirl.
You: Don't call me that.
Sam: I can call you whatever you want. You can do anything to me.
You: Colby will find you and he will kill you.
Sam: Whatever you say babygirl.
You hated Sam as much as you could. You wanted to kill him so bad. But, he was right you couldn't do anything, you are tied to chair, after all.
Sam: easy way or hard way.
You: for what?
Sam: You y/n. Are you gonna become my girlfriend the easy way, or the hard way?
*Colby's POV*
Colby: Is she gonna be okay?
Jake: She's gonna be fine. There isn't enough blood here for her to have bled out.
I started crying even harder now, I haven't stopped since j was on the phone with Jake.
Colby: I miss her so much, it's all my fault she's gone.
Jake: No it's not Colby, don't tell yourself that.
Colby: yes it is, it was my idea to through the surprise party. If we weren't doing it, then, I would have been with her, I could have protected her.
Jake: Colby, if you didn't think of the party idea, I would have, and you would have helped.
Colby: your right I guess.
My crying had slowed down a bit. Then, my phone started ringing. It was a unknown number I put it on speaker so Jake could hear too.
Colby: Hello?
Sam: Hi old friend, how are you?
Colby: Sam, is this you?
Sam: oh yes it is, and I have someone hear that would like to speak to you.
Colby: You.
Y/n: Colby, help me, please.
Sam: I want you to know how it feels to have people you love turn against you.
Colby: I'm sorry Sam, please just let her go.
Sam: No, but for now, keep these next few seconds of this call into consideration.
You hear a zipper unzip and hear y/n scream.
Y/n: No, Sam please don't.
Sam: it'll all be okay, jut quit fighting.
Then Sam hung up.

FanfictionYou are a vampire... but no one knows and no one can find out. Especially not your brother, Jake. Who is a cop that is investigating cases that you've caused. You know he wouldn't accept it. Soon, you realize a person following you around with a str...