You can feel the tears welling up in your eyes. You turn to Colby.
You: I knew this would happen, it's my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to this.
Colby: Babe it's not your fault. It's your stupid brothers for not understanding.
Brennen pulled up into the driveway in his truck. You wipe your tears off your cheeks, which you had just noticed that the tears had fallen. Brennen saw you and runs up and puts his palm under your chin.
Brennen: What happened are you okay?
Colby: Get your f***ing hand off of her Brennen.
Brennen: Fine lover boy, but what the hell happened?
Colby: It's Jake, he basically threw us out the door. He called us both freaks.
You: No he didn't, he only meant me. And he's right, I am a freak.
Colby turned to you and lifted your face to look at him.
Colby: Don't you believe that. Not for a second. I don't care who calls you a freak, you aren't. No. Matter. What.
He kissed you lightly on the lips after he finished speaking. You could practically hear the steam coming off of Brennen. He was the angriest you had ever seen him.
Brennen: Jake has another thing coming if he thinks he can call you that and get away with it.
You: Brennen, stop. It's fine.
Colby & Brennen: It's not fine.
They looked at each other as they realized they had said the same thing in unison.
You: It doesn't matter right now, I need to know where I can stay.
Colby: I still have all my stuff across the street. We can see if we can stay there.
You: okay. Let's just forget this happened, okay?
Colby: Ok
Brennen: Fine.
You all walked across the street. Colby knocked on the door. Elton answered.
Elton: Hey Colby, what's up?
Colby: Long story. We need to stay here.
Elton: Woah, woah, woah, why can't you just stay at y/n's house?
You: Because Elton, I'm pregnant and Jake kicked me out because we told him the truth.
Elton stared at you is disbelief. Then he turned to Colby.
Elton: What did I tell you, Colby?
Colby: No Elton you don't understand.
Elton: I don't care, I warned you before, you can't stay here.
Then the door is slammed in your faces once again.
Brennen: Well lucky for you two, Colby has a room at my place.

FanfictionYou are a vampire... but no one knows and no one can find out. Especially not your brother, Jake. Who is a cop that is investigating cases that you've caused. You know he wouldn't accept it. Soon, you realize a person following you around with a str...