You: There is no way?
Colby: What?
You: My dream. It can't be. No no no.
Brennen: What is it?
You: I had a dream. Vision. Something like that. It was many years in the future. We lived in a cabin. Colby and I had twins. A boy and girl. Their names were Jessica and Dean. They started fighting then I woke up.
Colby: Well the twins aren't mine though their Brennen's.
Brennen: Quit stating what everyone knows Colby.
You: Shut up. Brennen was shifted into Colby when it happened though. Maybe, the dream will become true.
Brennen: What if they have all of our supernatural perks.
You: We didn't think about that.
Colby: Two shifter, vampire, werewolves.
Brennen: There's one more thing. The only way for you to have that dream and it become true, is if you are a witch, and the only way for that to happen is from your bloodline.
You: Wait does that mean Jake is a witch too? Or Wizard?
Brennen: Wizard. And yes.
You: Who's the freak now?
Colby smiled at your humor of the situation. Kat then walked in.
Katrina: Are you okay?
Brennen: She's fine Katrina.
Katrina: I didn't ask you shifter.
You: I'm okay Katrina.
Brennen: She had a miscarriage. But, she had triplets, now twins.
Katrina: I still don't know what happened between you guys.
You all explained the story of your life all up until this very moment.
Katrina turned to Brennen and slapped him. Hard.
Brennen: What the fu** Katrina!!???
Katrina: You need to apologize to y/n right now. All she wanted to do was be happy and your arrogant ass ruined it for her!
Brennen: I'm sorry y/n.
You: Saying "I'm sorry" isn't going to change anything. But I accept your apology.
Katrina left and it was back to You, Colby, and Brennen.
You: Katrina completely ignored the whole Sam part of the story.
Colby: Well he is her ex, so she's probably happy he's dead.
You: or she still loved him. I'm starting to think it was a mistake to tell her where you hid the body.
*Kats POV*
Fools. Now that I know where Sam is Abby, Emily, and Alex can bring him back to life with their powers. Then, I'll know, my child will kill her at its destined date. Even if she has twins.
All three rushed down stairs.
Alex: Where are we going Mistress?
Katrina: That is none if your concern. But we have to leave now.
I drove to exactly where Sam was buried. In the woods behind Graystone Park.
Katrina: C'mon we must revive Sam.
We all ran into the woods, not far from the entrance was a area of disturbed ground. Abby placed her hand on the ground. This is him. Then all three of them began chanting.
Abby, Alex, and Emily: alimiro desquire genitre
Then, he burst out if the ground.
*Sam's POV*
They thought I was dead. I wasn't. I'm just stuck underground. I feel something tugging, soon I'm lifted above the ground to see Katrina.
Sam: Katrina??
Katrina: Yeah babe?
Sam: You brought me back.
Katrina: Your damn right I did.
Katrina took me back to her castle, I took a shower and cleaned up. Until, I had to finish what I started. I walked into the room with the cells. I unlocked the cell door. Y/n and Colby were on the concrete floor huddled together.
I walked over to them. I shook y/n awake. She opened her eyes and before they completely adjusted to the darkness I said:
Sam: I'm back sweetheart.
Her scream could be heard throughout the castle.

FanfictionYou are a vampire... but no one knows and no one can find out. Especially not your brother, Jake. Who is a cop that is investigating cases that you've caused. You know he wouldn't accept it. Soon, you realize a person following you around with a str...