Chapter Twelve

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It was my last appointment before Haven arrives. Hakeem had dropped off Harlem to his parents. Harlem was spending the weekend with them so we could finish some of Haven's last things. We picked up a lot of stuff today and I was so excited. I was feeling a little bit of pain but we assumed it's because my belly was dropping a little. We finished up her room and then left for our appointment. Keem said "you so beautiful mama."

I said "fat face and all?"

He laughed and said "yes baby. Gimme kiss."

I moved his face and gave him a kiss. When we got into the hospital we walked right into our office. I wrapped his arms around me. He said "I can't waittt."

Haven was kicking but very lightly. When we got in there, I got on the table and Hakeem came and stood next to me. He bent down and gave me light kisses. I said "your the best. You make me so happy."

He said "the feeling is mutual mamas."

I smiled and gave him another kiss. When the doctor came in she gave me an ultrasound. She said "how are you feeling today?"

I said "pretty good, only I'm having small pains because of her dropping a little."

She laughed and said "you know I don't think those are small drops. I believe your having contractions which means.."

Hakeem said "she's in labor?"

I said "no fucking way."

Hakeem said "excuse her."

My doctor said "she's funny it's ok. Let's get you in these stirrups check how far along you are dilated then go from there. Luckily we are already in a hospital."

She checked and saw I was 4 centimeters dilated. When we moved to my birthing suite Hakeem said "you feeling ok?"

I said "yes I'm not feeling any contractions at all."

They hooked me up to a bunch of machines. He said "calm down babe. I know you bout to stress ya self out."

I nodded. He picked my head up and kissed my forehead. I said "I just want my baby to be ok."

He wrapped his arms around me lightly and said "baby, you and the baby will be ok. Please just think positive thoughts because I can't lose either of you."

We just were chilling for a couple more hours then I started to feel it. I was shooting for a natural birth though. My doctor came in and said "you have to get up and see if that'll help. Either walk around or sit on the exercise ball. I recommend the exercise ball for you though."

I said "I'm starting to feel it though, it kind of hurts."

He said "come on, I'll help you mamas."

He helped me out the bed and first I went pee then I sat out on the ball and was just bouncing. I said "this is fun."

He said "this is exactly what you look like when you riding."

I rolled my eyes and said "oh shut up." He gave me a kiss; then I continued my bouncing journey.

He said "is it alleviating any of the pain?"

I nodded and said "I actually feel a lot better."

When my doctor came back in she told me to lay back down and it would be soon time to push. Keem said "how you feel?"

I said "good, you remember our promise right?"

He lightly rolled his eyes and said "yes."

I said "I know you don't want to think about it but it's just in case."

He wrapped his arms around me lightly and kissed the side of my neck. He said "I know ma but positive thoughts only."

I said "okay. I love you Hakeem."

He said "I love you Hazel."

I kissed his lips gently and then we both took a nap then it was time to push.

4 hours later

Haven Kennedy Brown was born at 12:01 in the morning on September 19th, 2018

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Haven Kennedy Brown was born at 12:01 in the morning on September 19th, 2018.

She was sooo pale but she came with no complications and perfectly healthy. Hakeem kissed me on my forehead as I held her. He said "this feels so surreal."

I smiled as I stroked her little cheek. I said "mamas little Princess."

A couple hours later around 7 am. Hakeem's parents brought my baby to the hospital. Harlem said "mamas! I heard my siser is here, where is she?"

I said "getting a bath she'll be back soon. Come here papas. I missed you."

He came into the bed and gave me a hug. He said "I missed you too mama." When Haven came in, Harlem got so excited. The nurse talked for a little while and checked on me. Then Hakeem picked up Haven and placed her in Hakeem's arms and he was so excited.

I made Hakeem take pictures of them and he posted it. His caption was: HARLEMxHAVEN. Eventually Haven started getting fussy so it was time to feed her. Harlem got down and sat on Hakeem lap falling asleep. Meanwhile, Haven latched on in no time! My boobs were oh so tender, I kept having to move her to find a comfortable spot.

Hakeem said "you feel ok?"

I said "yeah, just trying to find a comfy spot for both of us."

He said "oh ok, look at Harlem. He came in here all excited and burned out my poor little man."

I laughed and said "he couldn't wait to meet his little sister."

Hakeem eventually called his mom to bring us some food and him a change of clothes. As well as, Haven's baby bag with all her essentials. Hakeem came over and started kissing my lips. He said "I love you mamas."

I said "I love you too baby."

He said "I can't wait til we get married, that's next."

I said "that's coming real soon."

He gave me another kiss and said "you so cute. My baby is so beautiful. How you look that good when you just gave birth?"

I laughed and said "shut up."

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