This Is The Part Where You Run Pt. 2

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Hope POV

"You going to the party tonight?" Josie asked as we laid in bed with Niko in between us.

"No, I'll probably stay with Niko and read." I told her while playing with her hair. This is when I feel most calm, moments where I'm able to lay down with my girlfriend and son and just be okay.

"Okay, well I have to go because I need to talk to Raphael for Lizzie." Josie sighed as she got up out of bed. I got up as well and placed Niko in the crib. "I guess I'll see you later, I love you."

"Love you too." I said as I kissed her softly. Niko, however, decided to interrupt us with a loud squeal.

"I love you too Niko! I'm sorry I almost forgot you were still awake." Josie said as she kissed his forehead and giggled. She started to pick him up to rock him but I stopped her.

"I'll put him down." I said quickly and she put him back down in the crib. I kissed her again and smirked. "Go to the party and have fun hot mama." I teased and as she turned to leave, I smacked her on the ass.

"Babe..." she whined but also couldn't keep from giggling at my cheekiness.

"I'll see you later." I said, blowing a kiss as she left our room.

"Alright Niko, time for you to sleep and for me to finish my book."


Yeah, so none of that happened. I just couldn't sleep knowing that an innocent kid was locked in our dungeon. You can't blame me for feeling bad, I'm a mother for gods sake.

"Can't sleep either?" I asked as I walked over to his cell door. He looked really bad.

"Yeah, small spaces. You?" He asked nodding towards Niko in my arms.

"Sometimes I get restless. He, on the other hand sleeps like an angel." I replied with a small chuckle.

"Busy brain?" Landon asked sitting down by the door.

"Busy everything." I said, taking his lead and sitting down as well, although I was careful not to wake the sleeping child in my arms. "My body has a lot going on inside of it."

"Which is an awesome segue into you telling me how you can move things with your mind." Landon asked, hopeful to get an answer, however, I'm not ready to open that can of worms.

"You ask a lot of questions." I replied instead of an actual answer.

"Wouldn't you?" He said, suddenly...smiling?

"Why are you smiling?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I'm remembering the day we danced in the town square. This guy who used to mess with me in school finally got what was coming to him. I'd had a good day." He said, still smiling. I remember that day, I exploded that guys car. "Do you maybe want to dance, or something?"

"You want me to dance with you?" I asked, shocked. Can't the poor guy see that I'm clearly taken. I mean I'm holding my baby that I have with someone else. I like him, I do, but not in that way.

"Kinda living in the moment here." He replied, shrugging.

"Look Landon, I love Josie. I had a tiny crush on you because you were normal but now I have a son and an amazing girlfriend. I'm sorry." I tried to let him down easy, all of this new information about the supernatural world can't be easy for him and now he just got rejected by a long time crush.

"Nah, it's fine. Just like me to crush on the girl who's in a relationship and has a kid." He chuckled weakly and it got awkward really fast.

The silence was suddenly broken by Niko crying as he woke up. He probably just realized that he wasn't in bed.

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