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Josie POV

I ran after Hope but she was already gone. I texted Hayley and told her to watch the twins. I got in one of the cars and drove back to the Mikaelson house. When I got there I went into Hope's room and saw her laying in bed, covered by blankets. I heard her sniffing so I climbed in bed with her, wrapping my arms around her.

"Hey, it's okay." I said softly as I kissed her head.

"I feel awful but I can't forgive them. I can't!" She cried as I ran my fingers through her hair. It hursts me to see her in so much pain.

"You shouldn't have to. They haven't explain or apologized yet." I said as I kissed her head again. I hate how people always assume that Hope's in the wrong, like she's a cosmic mistake when she's not.

Hope looked up at me with tear stained eyes. "I just want to get to your graduation. Not even mine because god knows I'm not leaving Mystic Falls without you and the twins. I want to leave all of this family drama behind. I want to leave that monster, my weird condition, and everything behind. Why can't we just have our boys and let it be enough." She asked and I wish I had an answer for her.

"I'm going to call my dad and see what's going on back home. We'll go back and search the archives for something to help you out while your vamp side and wolf side fight. Then we'll try to live a normal life until I graduate and we can move away from this shit." I hugged her tightly for reassurance and she snuggled close to me.

"I love you." She whispered into the room of my neck.

"I love you too." I said, kissing her cheek this time."I'll be right back." I squeezed her one last time before getting out of bed to call my dad.

I stepped out of the room and went into the nursery to make the call. Dad picked up on the first ring.

"Hey dad." I greeted him as I walked aimlessly around the nursery.

"Josie, hey I was just about to call you. Freya just told me everything." He said. If course the Mikaelsons already called but when did they all get so buddy-buddy.

"Yeah it was going well but now it's getting bad." I told him and I could tell he was nodding on the other end of the line.

"Well we haven't heard much from the monster and things have been pretty quiet. He's pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth." Dad explained. That made me happy and gave me hope. Maybe we can go home.

"So, we can come back?" I asked hopefully.

"If you want to." He replied. I grinned and stopped pacing. Hope's going to be so happy.

"Great I'll tell Hope. We'll probably be back soon." I said, already planning our trip home.

"Ok, tell the boys I say hi." Dad told me and I heard shuffling behind him.

"Me too." Mom yelled, obviously in the room but not close enough to the phone. I laughed at my mom's antics.

"Ok I will. Bye, love you." I said through my laughs.

"Love you too sweetheart." Dad said before hanging up.

I went back into Hope's room and saw her passed out in bed. I smiled and got back in bed with her until everyone came back with the babies.


Once Hope woke up and the boys were home, we told the Mikaelsons our plan and packed the car to go home.

"So you're really leaving?" Rebekah asked once we finished buckling the boys into their seats.

"Yeah..." Hope said, trailing off as she shifted uncomfortably. I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. This is hard for her.

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