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Josie POV

I woke up before Hope, no surprise there, that girl loves her sleep.

"Morning." I said softly, attempting to wake up my beautiful girlfriend.

"Too early..." she groaned with her eyes screwed shut. I laughed softly and kissed her forehead.

"Hope, we have to leave soon." I giggled and she groaned again,m.

"Not til later." She mumbled as she pulled the blankets over her head.

"You're impossible." I shook my head as I continued to laugh at her. She didn't move from her position, I'm pretty sure she fell back asleep. "Fine, you can sleep longer. I'll go get the boys."

I got out of bed and pulled on my robe. My dad has decided that the entire school has to be freezing in the morning.

Anyways, I went to the room next door to us to get the boys. Once they got a little older, they got their own room and we can just hear them on their baby monitor.

"Mommy!" Both boys yelled in unison. They were both standing up in their cribs.

"Morning babies." I said as I entered their room. I picked up Niko first ant then Eli, placing each on one of my hips."You ready to go today?"

"Airpane." Eli said. That's the longest word he's ever said.

"Yeah buddy, good job. You two get to ride in a real airplane." I told them as we walked out into the hall. I stopped in the doorway to Hope and I's room. "Want to wake up mama?" I asked the boys and they nodded."Alright go."

I put them down on the bed and they Crawled on top of Hope. Eli started shaking her and Niko bounced up and down.

"Ah!" Hope opened her eyes and woke with a start.

"Mama!" The boys yelled, proud of their accomplishment.

"Morning boys." Hope said tiredly as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good work my little minions." I laughed as I sat down on the bed next to Hope.

"Ugh, Come here you three." Hope pulled us all into a hug and kissed my cheek.


We all went to the cafeteria for one last breakfast there. It's super surreal, walking to the table I've been sitting at for years for the very last time.

"There's my favorite little family." Lizzie said as Hope and I sat down with the boys in our laps.

"Hey Liz." I greeted my twin with a smile. I can't believe we're splitting up."Boys say hi to your aunt. You won't see her for awhile." I said and both boys waved across the table. Lizzie smiled and laughed softly.

"Aww, I'm going to miss my favorite nephews." She laughed and the boys started giggling too. "Seriously though, have fun in Boston."

"Have fun in New York." Hope said, smiling. It warms my heart to see her so happy. We've been through a lot.

"I can't believe we're all finally leaving." MG said as he sat down next to Lizzie, followed by Kaleb, Rafael, and Penelope. "We actually graduated."

"I can't believe that you two haven't started college yet and you basically have three kids." Kaleb said with raised eyebrows. Of course Lizzie told MG, who told the rest of the gang.

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