We're Being Punked, Pedro

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Hope POV

"This makes no sense, Dad. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie complained once Alaric gave us our punishment. Alaric called me, Lizzie, and Josie in because apparently we all have to go do community service in Mystic Falls.

Basically while I was fighting a dragon to save Landon's lying ass, Lizzie and the rest of the charity football team wee using their abilities to win a football game. Oh, and also, somehow Lizzie had gotten herself into a full on brawl. Fun day.

"Because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing what we really do here." Alaric explained, looking a bit annoyed. He had just handed Niko over to Josie because Niko spends the day here while Josie and I are at school. Niko squealed once in his mother's arms and Josie and I couldn't help but laugh slightly despite the situation.

"Well, you weren't mad last night." Lizzie kept complaining which honestly probably only mad Alaric more mad.

"I was mad last night. My undying love for my daughters just happened to trump my rage. I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining. You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time." He warned and Lizzie sighed dramatically. At this point she's just digging herself a deeper hole.

"Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense, if it pleases the court?" Alaric nodded and Josie rolled her eyes. My ears perked up because despite what some may think, I'm a sucker for drama. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure. And secondly if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie."

"What?" Josie and I said at the same time. I can't believe Lizzie blamed Joise. "I'm sorry. I totally cracked under cross, but if you had just let Kaleb catch the ball..." I could feel my protective wolf taking over me and I growled a little.

"You'd still be in trouble. But nice job throwing your sister under the bus." I intervened and Wrapped my arm around Josie's waist.

"Thank you, Hope." Josie said and I smiled, calming down slightly. Niko giggled at my reaction. He loves it when I go into my protective state.

"No problem sweetheart" I said softly, kissing Josie's forehead.

"Speaking of," Alaric said, butting back in, "the bus leaves in ten minutes, and I expect all three of you to be on it, working together today, harmoniously and without drama. End of debate."

"I wasn't even at the game. Why am I being punished?" I asked, I know what I did but still I don't think I should be punished with a bunch of dumb jocks. Even if my love will be there too.

"You know what you did." He said quickly, obviously still mad about my use of dark magic. "All right, now, go, all of you. I'll keep Niko with me"

Josie handed Niko back to Alaric and I grabbed his arm."Keep him safe." I said, sternly.

"Of course." Alaric replied kindly. He should be mad at the tone I used but I guess he gets it, parent to parent and all.

Josie and I each gave Niko a kiss on the head. I then took her hand and we left behind a very frustrated Lizzie.


After a somewhat peaceful car ride, Lizzie decided to be annoying again. I honestly thought we were over all of this but now I guess we're back to square one.

"So, what did you do? My dad never gets mad at you. You're the prodigal daughter. Must have been juicy." Lizzie teased and I rolled my eyes as we got off of the bus.

"Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits." I snarked back, ignoring her comments. I could see that Josie wanted to interfere but I think she was also fed up with Lizzie at the moment.

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