Never Better

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Hayley POV

It's been an eventful few days. I'm so glad that I'm finally free from that hell I was trapped in. I can see my beautiful daughter thriving in her own skin and I can meet my grandsons.

"I can't believe Hope's a mom." I said as Davina and I sat together drinking coffee. The boys were all out on the balcony drinking coffee and catching up, Freya and Keelin went to go get their daughter from Vincent, and Rebekah was getting dressed.

"I know, it's crazy but that Josie girl, she's definitely something special." Davina said and I nodded. She's special alright, she willingly puts up with a Mikaelson. "And you can see how much Hope loves her."

"Josie's a saint for putting up with Hope, that girl is too much like her father sometimes." I laughed slightly.

"You've got that right." Davina said laughing as well. We both took a sip of our coffee before she continued."But in all seriousness, I think being a parent saved both Hope and Klaus. You can just see how much happier they are around their children." I nodded at that. You can truly see a difference from Klaus when he's with Hope and Klaus when he's not with Hope. I see the same in Hope but it's not as dangerous. She's just less of an asshole, which she got from Klaus and not me.

"Yeah, I'm glad I'm alive to see her children. When I was trapped with Klaus, we both wanted desperately to die because we didn't think we'd ever see Hope again. I'm glad we didn't die because now we get to be grandparents." I said softly, remembering the days when everything felt so hopeless and we both just wanted to die for real.

"I'm glad you guys are back. Too bad Elijah couldn't make it." Davina said with a hint of sadness.

"He's in a better place now." I said solemnly.

We sat there in sad silence for a moment until we decided that we couldn't be too sad anymore. "We should probably go see if the girls are up." I said, standing up, Davina following me.

We went up to Hope's room. Well first we went into the guest room to check on the twins. They were fine so we moved on.

I quietly pushed the door open and what I saw made my heart melt. Hope and Josie we're laying together, Josie's head on Hope's chest as they were curled together, their arms wrapped around each other and their legs tangled together. (Pic above)

"Oh my god, that's adorable." Davina said, pulling out her phone and snapping a quick picture of them.

"You know she's going to hate you for that, right?" I said with a quiet laugh.

"It's worth it." She said, slipping her phone into her pocket.

"Let's let them sleep. Klaus has decided that him and I are going to make breakfast this morning and I'm not sure how that's going to go." I said, shaking my head slightly. I swear Klaus Mikaelson will be the death of me. Bad choice of words.

"Yeah and we should also make sure that Klaus, Marcel, and Kol haven't killed someone or tried to burn the house down." Davina said jokingly but that could honestly be what's happening.

"The fact that that's actually a possibility is scary." I said seriously and Davina nodded. We shut Hope's door and quickly went to get the boys.


Hope POV

I heard a noise and felt the sunlight creep into my room, causing me to open my eyes. I looked down at the goddess in my arms and smiled slightly as her eyes blinked open.

"Morning..." I said softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Morning babe." She said with a sleepy smile. She pressed her lips to mine quickly and I grinned stupidly.

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