New Friends

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Josie POV

Hope has always liked to stay home alone and I like to make friends so I decided to go out to the campus café and make some friends before the year started. The problem is, I don't know where anything is.

"Hi, you look lost." A guy and a girl wearing BC shirts came up to me. They must also be going here and I guess I do look pretty lost.

"Yeah, I just moved here and I have no idea where I'm going." I laughed slightly.

"Oh, what are you looking for?" The guy asked.

"The campus café." I told him and they smiled kindly.

"That's where we're going." The guy said. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. "I'm Jamie."

"And I'm Lucy." The girl said as she waved slightly. "We're both from here so we know where everything is."

"We'll show you." Jamie cut in.

"Yeah, that sounds great." I said. They both started heading towards wear I'm assuming the café is so I followed them.

When we got to the café, they both ordered coffee and I ordered a green tea. We all sat at a table with our drinks and decided to get to know each other.

"So, where are you from?" Lucy asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Mystic Falls, Virginia. It's a small town." I told them and they looked at each other, smiling.

"Sounds nice. Big cities are all they're cracked up to be. We've known each other our whole lives and lives here that whole time. Trust me, big cities can suck." Lucy explained. I feel like Hope would like her a lot. "So, are you here alone or do you have anyone you're staying with?"

"Oh, my girlfriend's here with me. We're both going to BC." I said. They seemed cool and this is the north, they're probably cool with me being pan.

Jamie squealed at the mention of Hope. Yeah they're definitely cool with my sexuality.

"That's awesome." He gushed and Lucy rolled her eyes.

"Forgive him, he gets excited when he meets someone else that's gay." Lucy explained and I giggled. Big fucking mood.

"Well duh, heterosexuals are boring. Gays are where it's at." Jamie laughed and I smirked.

"He's not wrong." I said and he high fived me.

"Yes girl." He said with a huge grin.

"I though you loved going on double dates with me and Brad." Lucy asked him and he shrugged.

"You see, What kind of name is Brad? Boring. I just didn't want to hurt your feelings because you liked him." He explained. She smiled and nodded like she understood. He then turned to me and raised his eyebrows. "So, tell us about this girlfriend."

"Oh, uh, she's really sweet, very tough and feisty, and she loves me a lot." I gave them the brief overview. "Honestly, she's an experience. You have to meet her to truly know her."

"Awe, you're blushing. This must be some girl." Lucy gushed and I blushed even more.

"Oh believe me, there is absolutely no one like her." I said and honestly wasn't exaggerating, you know with her being a tribrid and all.


Jamie really wanted to meet Hope because he's 'always wanted lesbian friends' so I decided to take them back to my apartment. They might as well meet the kids too if they're going to be my friends.

"Here, this one's mine." I said as I grabbed my key and unlocked the door.

"I can't believe you have an apartment and not a dorm." Lucy said as we walked inside.

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