Close To Normal

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Josie POV

Hope and I sat down with her family in their living room. The twins sat on our laps, they were a little tired from traveling.

"They've gotten so big." Rebekah cooed as she looked at the twins.

"They're almost two." Hope said with a weak smile. I put my hand on her back.

Niklaus sat down next to us and held Hope close. She gave in and began to cry into his shoulder. I took Nicky off of her lap and she curled completely into her fathers arms. Then we all heard the door open.

"Hey, your mom and aunt Davina are home." Kol said as he ran to get the girls and tell them the news that we're here.

Hayley and Davina ran into the room. Hope stood up and wiped her tears as she greeted them.

"Hey mom. Hey aunt Davina." She greeted with a weak smile.

Davin gave Hope a big hug as she said hello to her. Then Hayley pulled Hope into a hug and they were both now crying. I sat back with the boys and let them have their moment.

"I missed you so much." Hope cried into Hayley's shoulder and Niklaus then joined the hug.

The three of them stayed like that for a while until they had cried all of the tears that they had. Then they all sat down on the couch so that everyone could catch up and talk things out.

"So, what's been going on?" Hayley asked, breaking the silence.

"Well, we're in Boston now and..." Hope started before nodding towards me so that I could tell them the good news.

"We're expecting another baby." I said with a huge smile and everyone gasped.

"Wait, really?" Marvel asked with wife eyes.

"Yeah, really." Hope said, now also smiling.

"I think I speak for everyone when I say, we're happy for you guys." Freya said with a kind smile.

Silence fell over the family again. It was weird because they were making it weird.

Suddenly, Hope sighed, "Look, I'm so sorry for all the things I said. I shouldn't have said that you didn't care about me because you do." She said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Hope, we love you more than anything." Niklaus said, hugging her again.

"I know." She said softly, smiling a bit. I smiled at the fact that she was now happy again. "So, can I meet my cousins?" She said with a slight laugh.

"Yeah, Of course." Nicklaus's said, nodding to Freya, telling her to start.

"Of course you know Harley." Freya said, pointing to Harley who was now trying to get the twins to play with her but they wouldn't leave my lap.

"Looks like she remembers the boys." Keelin said with a slight laugh."And this is our other daughter, Bella. She's six months old now."

"Hi Bella." Hope said, waving to the baby girl.

Then Rebekah spoke up, "And this is Marcel and I's son, Henrik. He's five. We just adopted him, he's a werewolf."

"Henrik." Hope said with a slight smile, probably thinking about her late uncle that she never met. "Hi buddy."

"And this is our one year old daughter, Annie." Kol said, introducing his and Davina's daughter.

"Wow." Hope said with a sigh. "I missed a lot."

That caused everyone to smile and laugh. No more awkwardness, just family. They all began to talk. It wasn't like old times but it was getting there.

"I think we're going to be able to fix this. It won't be perfect but we'll make it work." Hope said, smiling up at her parents.

"I know we will." They both said, hugging her again.

A/n: I think I'm going to end this here. Also, I think I'm going to delete my Hizzie story.

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