It's Time

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Hope POV

Who the hell books a four am flight? Apparently my girlfriend does. We're flying to New Orleans tomorrow to surprise my family. It's time that I fix things with them.

"So you're going to New Orleans tomorrow morning." Lucy asked as we sat on the floor with the twins.

"Yeah, at four am." I groaned and Lucy laughed. The boys giggled and Niko jumped on my back.

"Good luck with that." Lucy laughed. Eli jumped in her lap with his toy airplane."Especially with these two crazy kids."

"Yeah, we have to get there early too so we'll be awake at two thirty." I said and Lucy laughed again. She's really enjoying how awful this is going to be.

"Man, that sucks. Why so early?" She asked as the twins ran around us.

"Josie wants us to surprise my family for breakfast." I explained.

"Whipped." Lucy told me and I laughed.

"Shut up." I said shoving her shoulder.

All of a sudden, Eli cried out. Niko was trying to steal Eli's toy from him.

"Niklaus Marshall Saltzman-Mikaelson!" I called, standing up to get him. Eli hit him and Niko started crying. "Elijah Stefan Saltzman-Mikaelson!" I crouched down, separated them, and glared at them. "Niklaus, we do not take things from each other. And Elijah, we do not hit each other."

"Sorry about that." I told Lucy and she shrugged.

"It's fine, they're just kids." She said and I nodded.

"Yep, they're exactly like their namesakes." I said with a laugh. Lucy looked at me confusedly. "Niko is named after my dad and Eli is named after my uncle."

"Oh, makes sense." Lucy said, standing up.

"Hey, we're back." Josie called, unlocking the door and coming in with Jamie.

"Mommy! Uncle Jamie!" The boys yelled, standing up and running to them.

"Hi boys!" Josie said, putting her shopping bags and picking them up.

"Hey little guys." Jamie said then he held up a shopping bag."We bought you stuff."

"Yay!" The boys cheered. Josie put them down and Jamie handed them the bag. The boys took the bag, sat with it, and pulled out the contents.

"You spoil our boys." I laughed and Jamie shrugged.

"I'm their fun friend uncle, I have to." Jamie told us with a grin."Just Wait til the next one comes." We all laughed at that.

"Alright well we better go, you guys have to be up really early." Lucy said, walking to the door.

"Bye." Josie told them then she turned to the twins. "Boys what do you say?"

"Bye." Niko said with a wave.

"Tank you." Eli said with a smile.

"Bye boys." Jamie and Lucy said as they left.

Josie grabbed her shopping bags and put them away. I gave each twin a kiss on the head before grabbing a soda and sitting on the couch. I turned on the TV for the boys and they sat, enthralled in the show. Josie came back and sat down with me.

"So, how was shopping?" I asked her as I kissed her softly.

"It was good. We missed you and Lucy." She said with a smile.

"You know I'd rather do anything than shopping." I laughed and she giggled, kissing me again.

"I know." She said, running her fingers through my hair."I'll order some pizza for dinner."

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