What Happened?

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A/n: starts with light smut, skip if you need to.

Hope POV

We've been in New Orleans for a week now and everyone has settled into a routine. Meaning, everyone knows when everyone else is sleeping. Which is why Josie and I decided it was time for a little make out session that turned very heated and passionate.

I hovered over Josie, both of us breathing heavily as I once again brought my lips to her neck. She loves it when I kiss her neck, it gets her all hot and bothered. However, as soon as my lips met the soft skin of her neck, it was like I was in a drunken trance. I didn't even notice my canines pop out and sink into Josie.

"Ow! Shit!" Josie hissed in pain. That brought me back to reality and I immediately pulled away. I can't believe I just bit my girlfriend.

"I'm so sorry babe." I said quickly, wiping her blood from my chin and moving to get off of her. I was stopped by Josie's hand grabbing my hand and pulling me back onto her.

"No, it's okay. Keep going, just no more neck biting." She said with a soft smirk. I smirked back and kissed her, resuming our previous actions.

Josie moaned softly in pleasure as I kissed her with dominating force and used my fingers where she needed them the most. She scratched her nails up and down my back as she came undone at my touch. Once she came down from her high, I collapsed next to her and pulled her closer to me.

"Damn, that was good." She said softly as she played with my hair.

"Sorry for biting you..." I still felt embarrassed and guilty about earlier. I though I had control over my bloodlust.

"It's fine, you're new to your vamp side." She said, full of understanding. We stayed like that for a few minutes until the peace was broken by two shrill cries. The boys. "Ugh...why..." Josie groaned.

"I've got them." I said, getting up and throwing on some clothes.

"Both?" Josie asked, still to tired to move.

"Yeah, get some sleep." And with a kiss on her cheek, I was gone to soothe the boys.


That morning, Marcel was making breakfast. Josie and I went downstairs to make sure that everything was okay in the kitchen and as soon as we entered the kitchen, he laughed at us.

"Morning you two. Nice hickeys." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Him and Kol been doing this all week. Pretending that we have hickeys when we don't.

"Shut up Uncle Marcel." I groaned, grabbing a plate. Josie following suit.

"No, dude you actually have like five hickeys. Josie, You've got like ten." He said seriously and I used my spoon as a mirror. He was right. Fuck.

"Hope!" Josie whined, coming to the same conclusion as me.

"Hey, you marked me too!" I defended myself and Josie groaned, putting her head in her hands. I laughed slightly at how adorable she was and put my arm around her shoulders.

"Morn-holy shit." Kol laughed, coming down the stairs."Did you two really have to have sex last night?"

"I-uh-we...fuck off!" I growled, feeling self conscious as my cheeks heated up.

Soon everyone was downstairs and making fun of us. Well except for mom and dad. They gave me a weird look and tried to avoid the whole topic. Can't blame them though. I know they don't want to know that their kid is sexually active. But it's kind of hard for them to avoid the fact, especially when they're holding their grandchildren like they are right now.

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