Mombie Dearest

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A/n: alright last chapter that goes off of an episode then I'm going off on my own plot. Btw Lizzie and Josie are turning 17 in this fic and Hope is 18. Also, PSA, I actually really like Penelope and all of the hate thrown her way is purely how I think the characters would act. Penelope won't be treated horribly throughout the whole book. Don't forget to comment, I love your feedback and reactions, they make my day.

Josie POV

I woke up the best way possible today: with one of Hope's kisses.

"Morning love." She said, smiling as she kissed me again. Niko squealed from the crib and I chuckled. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks babe." I ran my fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. "You're so sweet."

Hope blushed and got out of bed, grabbing a small box before coming back and sitting next to me. I sat up in bed and looked at her curiously.

"What's this?" I asked, taking the box from her.

"A little birthday gift." She smiled, blushing harder. "Go on, open it."

So I did. I opened the box to find a ring with an infinity sign instead of a stone.

"It's a promise ring. I promise to love you, always and forever." Hope explained and I turned to her. "Do you like it?"

"Oh babe, I love it." I said as my eyes welled up with tears and I kissed her.

When we pulled away from each other, Hope wiped a tear off of my cheek with her thumb. "Hey, no crying in your birthday. Let's get Niko and go get breakfast."


After Hope and I got breakfast, I wanted to go see Lizzie. I hadn't seen her at breakfast and I had to wish my twin a happy birthday. We already gave each other presents because we always open presents from each other the night before. It's tradition.

"Hey. I didn't see you at breakfast." I said, standing in the doorway of her room. Lizzie turned around grinning and I was taken aback.

"I'm too excited to eat." Lizzie squealed, running to me and hugging me tightly. "Happy birthday to us. Isn't it a beautiful day for a party?"

"You're cheerful." I remarked as she pulled away from me and we moved inside the dorm room.

"Why wouldn't I be? Mom's coming home, I had sex with Raf, my pores are practically invisible." Lizzie went on, looking around her room. Wait did she say sex with Raf?

"Wait, what? You had sex with—" trying to bring us back to that topic. I can't believe he actually went for her. Impressive.

"Last night. You know how Mom always says that things work out in the end the way they're supposed to? She's right. I wouldn't have time to represent the witches now with a boyfriend, so you getting the consolation prize is perfect. Okay, I need your help. I'm going for Meghan Markle tasteful." Lizzie went on rambling as she picked up various clothing items.

"Morning birthday girls." I heard Hope's angelic voice behind me.

"Morning Hope." Lizzie and I said in unison as we turned to see Hope and Niko in the doorway.

"I already said happy birthday to JoJo but I didn't see you at breakfast, Lizzie. Happy birthday." Hope said smiling as she came into the bedroom. I'm so glad that they're back to being civil after everything that's been happening.

"Thanks Hope." Lizzie said sincerely. "Let me see my nephew." She then said and Hope chuckled. Hope handed Niko off to Lizzie and Lizzie kissed his forehead. She really does love her nephew.

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