Road Trip

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Josie POV

We got on the road at about ten o'clock last night and by now it was just about six in the morning and we were just outside Atlanta Georgia. Nine hours down, seven hours and...eighteen minutes to go. Jo and I switched off driving at about one in the morning but we'll have to switch back soon since I'll have to feed the boys soon. Wow, breastfeeding two now...this will be interesting.

The rest of the Mikaelsons pulled into a Chick Fil A for breakfast. Oh thank god, I need food. Next we'll have to stop at Starbucks. I pulled into the parking lot and turned to Hope.

"Babe." I said softly as I shook her lightly. She groaned and scrunched up her nose. Aww.

"No...I don't want to go to class." She mumbled, obviously still half asleep and unaware.

"Hope, we're in Georgia, we're at Chick Fil A." I said and her eyes shot open. Leave it to food to get her awake.

"Food." She said and I giggled at her reaction.

"Yeah, now get your lazy ass up." I said, still giggling. Then I remembered that my children were in the backseat. "Oops, sorry boys, lazy butt up."

"What'd you say about my butt?" Hope sat up, placing her hands on my waist as I was still leaning over the seat. She just smirked and trailed her hands down to my ass.

"Babe..." I said, moving back into my seat. I wish we could've made out but her family is right outside and our kids are in the car. Hope pouted and I rolled my eyes. "Oh just get out of the car, I have to change the boys and then feed them soon."

"Alright alright, I'm up." She held her hands up in surrender.

Hope stole a quick kiss from my lips before getting out of the car. I shook my head and followed her. She took Niko's car seat and I took Eli's. I still can't believe we forgot about this sweet boy.

We walked over to where the rest of the Mikaelsons were waiting outside of the Chick Fil A.

"Hey girls, we're just going to grab a quick breakfast and then get back on the road." Davina told us and everyone agreed.

"We'll have to make it quick because I'm sure Josie has to feed those two angels." Keelin said and I nodded. Hope looked at her watch and then turned to her mom.

"When do you think we'll be home, mom?" She asked. Hayley checked her own watch and then did some mental math before answering Hope.

"Around noonish, maybe one?" She said, giving us a timeframe. I capfuls see Hope working out the boys schedule is her head. She's such a good mom.

"That long?" Klaus complained when he heard how much longer we had left. Now that I've met Klaus, I cannot imagine him being a crazy murderer but I guess he was.

"Yes Klaus, that long." Hayley told him with a pointed look.

"Quit complaining, you're making me wish you were still dead and I'd like to be glad that my brother is alive." Rebekah said, obviously annoyed with her brother. Everyone laughed as we headed into the restaurant.


We all ordered our food quickly and we got back on the road in no time. The boys had both been changed and I just feed Eli and now I was feeding Niko. Hope's eyes kept moving over towards me. I swear this girl.

"Babe, eyes on the road, stop checking me out." I called her eyes and she blushed, quickly looking back at the road.

"I'm sorry but you manage to make breastfeeding hot." She whined. I rolled my eyes.

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