Your Worst Nightmare And Best Dream

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Hope POV

Josie sat up in bed, gasping for air. This is a normal occurrence ever since she was buried alive on her birthday. Although it has now become like every two days instead of every day so, progress.

It's been a month since Josie's birthday and two months since we started getting attacked by monsters. Niko is now three months old which is insane but terrifying. He's getting older and the monsters are getting stronger.

"Josie, hey, you're okay." I whispered softly as I pulled Josie into my arms. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

"I-I was back underground. You didn't save me. But this time there was a baby. The baby looked like Niko but it wasn't him."

"Shh, it's okay." I whispered, soothingly as I rubbed her back. "It was just a dream."

"Just a dream." She repeated softly, clinging onto me as if her life depended on it.

"Just a dream. You're okay and Niko's okay" I said softly, rocking her back and forth.

The nightmares are getting better but they are still really hard for her to get through. I couldn't imagine going though what she went through. The poor girl really needs a break.

"Let's get some sleep." Josie had calmed down significantly so we laid back down and I held her even closer to me as we fell asleep.


Josie and I stumbled into breakfast, very tired due to Josie's nightmare last night.

"More nightmares Jos?" Lizzie asked as we sat down at the table. Josie nodded and Lizzie's looked at her twin sadly.

"Yeah but they're not as often as before." Josie said, trying to be cheerful as she gave Niko his morning bottle.

"That's progress." Lizzie said, also trying to be cheerful. It's hard to be optimistic when we're constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. "How's my nephew sleeping?" Lizzie quickly changed the subject.

"Like an angel." I said, tickling Niko's stomach as Josie handed him to me so that I could burp him.

"It was so weird, I had the same dream but this time there was a baby that looked like Niko but wasn't Niko. What do you think that means." Josie explained her dream and I've got to be honest, it scares the shit out of me.

"I don't know, that's really weird." Lizzie shrugged, picking at her waffles.

"That what I thought." Josie took a bite of her cereal then she gasped. "What if it's a vision."

"Maybe our future child." I thought out loud. What if we have another baby and that baby dies early? What if the dreams about Niko and he's about to get hurt, or worse?

"Seems like a stretch. Maybe it was Niko and your subconscious was just seeking comfort." Lizzie explained, somehow becoming the practical one.

"That sounds more logical." I sighed in relief. With everything going on, I can't afford to be worried about whether or not my son is going to die. I need him to be safe.

"Oh!" Lizzie suddenly perked up significantly. "I have great news: mom's coming home!"

"Really?!" Josie also perked up at this. This is what the girls need. They need their mom with them, they need her to be with them and tell them it's going to be okay. Especially after what happened with Jo.

"Yep, dad told me this morning and he told me to pass on the message." Lizzie said, now full on grinning. I sat Niko on my lap and he giggled at his Aunt Lizzie.

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