Life and Death

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I think there is something beautiful, in the way we all perceive things differently. Whether we break down or we smile. There's a beautiful thing about how our brains can be identical yet work so differently. Two people sharing an experience and yet both take different paths from it.


Some people are torn from it. Some smile and keep going. Some ignore it. Some smile but break silently.

In the end we all die. Our lives held accustomed to this idea of a perfect life as being financially stable, having fun, getting a family and working till death stops you.

But is it really what we should be doing?

The pain of knowing death is soon approaching surely brings fear as we think over our life and what we haven't and can't do.

The fact that those in power have robbed us of what freedom is truely like. But do they really have power? I'm sure if we all fought back we'd be more powerful. But how so? We all are too afraid.

Just like death. It's scary but it's the truth.

Like a quote I've read many times.

"Death, why are people scared of you but love me," life asked death.

"Because I am a brutal truth, while you are just a happy lie," death replied.

But it's true. We believe life is better and are scared to die. What comes after death? Is it just...nothing? Or is there truely something on the other side. Either way death isn't to be feared.


Hmmm, I do believe I wrote this around the time I lost a friend. Not sure but here it is!

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