Closure Part ||

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Well...I'm back

But now with more answers and questions.

I'm meant to be angry and furious, I was.

Now the confusion and sadness is setting in

I don't want to feel this way

Were you already dating her when we were talking?

She's probably the reason you rejected me...isn't it?

But why did you kiss me?

You told me you'd never hurt me in that way, said you'd even hate yourself

But I guess people lie all the time

Just tell me you didn't kiss me while dating her

I can't stand the thought of being apart of that mess if she were to find out

She looks nice

Pretty too

Her, er I guess the both of yours son looks handsome

He's gonna have a good life

Even if you're just his step dad

Still I have questions I want to ask

Sometimes I wish I didn't remove you from social media

That way it wouldn't be awkward if I messaged you randomly

We were still friends after all

But I couldn't handle it


What does she have that I don't?

It's a stupid question but a genuine one

I know she's prettier then me

But still I have to ask

Did she give you more time?

How did yous even meet?

Please tell me you met her when you moved to that town

It hurts to know you dated her in only a few months

When you spent the same amount of time with me and didn't want me

Did I do something to you?

Was it the people around me?

I have all these questions and frustrations but I'll never find out

Maybe it's better that way

Not knowing

I wish I could know though

I don't know how to feel right now

I mean congratulations! I am happy for you

But I'm also-not heart broken-just confused

Well I'm gonna say something cheesy and quote a tik tok sound

Take them to the moon for me

Take care of your new girl and her kid

Don't leave them in the dust

You've committed to that relationship now

Don't be like the kids biological father

And don't hurt her

All the best in life dude

Maybe our paths will cross one day

We'll remember and laugh awkwardly

Either way, treat them well


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