The Calm-Part 1

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She lays down in bed after a somewhat productive day thinking over everything. A lot of things can happen in a short time. She went from crying one night about things out of her control, to almost crying the next day because of school starting.

School is a wonderful thing (not). First day in and the amount of stress and realisation had hit her the moment she started looking over things. She's trying, she really is. Trying to be the perfect girl but even she knows it's impossible. She hides so much from the world. She needs someone to share it all with, without being judged in the slightest bit. She has those people...but her anxiety gets the best of her. She believes that she's already annoying-a pest. And the smallest things eat away at her, so why bother? If she were to tell her friends every time she were sad... then that would be majority of the time. And it was over the stupidest things as well.

Her mind was a racing mess. In and out of a dream. The ideas flowing like a forever going waterfall that doesn't freeze in the winter times.

Was she making any sense? Perhaps not. Perhaps by now she truely was just rambling. Not sticking to a certain topic. Again the girl had many things on her mind. Her thoughts raced by quicker then lightning striking the ground.

But as always, she turned to writing:

The Calm

An unknown being sat on the hammock that moved slightly under the shady cover. It wrapped itself up in the cozy blanket that was messily lying on the hammock already-leaning back it's head hitting the cushion.

The hammock swayed with the winds, getting a little more push because of it. The already cool air seemed to grow colder as little trickles turned into showers. Booming sounds and bright lights. Indeed it was now a raging storm outside.

Yet the being didn't care. It still laid their peacefully. Soon it's eyes had closed and if listened to the rain.

It could hear nature.

Frogs croaking.

The pit-a-pat of rain hitting the ground and any other object.

Dogs barking.

Leaves rustling and branches shaking.

It could hear it all. This is what it found peace in. Escaping from the world to its own utopia. Although it wasn't convinced this was the best utopia. As it was still alone. No friends, no family. Like it had been locked in a cage like a so-called "pet" it's whole life.

Maybe it was. By the way it couldn't interact with the human species let alone its own species. It was very fascinating. How a being from a species could be so different.

The small wings on her back say it all. Her height confusing most. How she didn't steal was the biggest eyebrow raiser.

A pixie-fairy, or a Pixry. Parents coming from both species (mum a pixie, father a fairy), they ended up having her. A 4 inch, long haired, short winged beautiful daughter.

But no matter how beautiful, it wasn't allowed. Her parents suffered a tragedy, and she was outcasted from both species. Of course times have much since changed, but it still doesn't change how everyone feels about her.

She laid there on the hammock, thinking about everything. She was to venture out again the next day to find a home. But she was scared. Many homes she'd gone to let her in, abused her kindness and then forced her to leave. She just wanted love. She just wanted a family.

But she let all of that slip her mind. She was brought back to reality. The reality that was the raging storm. The raging storm that seemed to calm her.

Then it went quiet.

"Young child, what are you doing here? The calm has begun, please come with me."

To be continued

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