Part 12

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(A/N wow it's already part 12? I thought I would give up by now including my past track record with keeping up with writing)

It was the next day and I turned around to see Angie hovering over me

"Umm Angie? Just. Why?" I asked in a tired voice

"I'm going with you today to meet your father!" She yelled

"The hell? Stop being so loud! I don't want Philip to know that I'm actually going through with it." I whispered while covering her mouth with my hand

"Our ye sure?" (A/N translation: "Are you sure?" But I'm sure you guys got that)

Was I sure? I have no idea. But might as well try and if it doesn't work out, run.

I quickly opened and closed the door and me and Angie left. Thank god we didn't see Philip, there would've been hell to pay.

As we approached the market, my father started walking towards me, not even seeing Angie.

"Y/N..." he raised his voice

"Mr. Madison." I replied

"Don't disrespect me." He said

"You're not my father anymore. And I'm not your daughter." I whisper yelled

"Then who is your father?" He asked

"No one. I still have a mother because I know she would've cared and no matter what she thought, she would think that I was old enough to make my own decisions." I whispered again

"You have no rights, you are just a woman." He said through his teeth

At that me and Angie both smacked him and ran home.

When we got inside we locked all the doors and barricaded them. Philip helped even though he didn't know why. He didn't want to know that Mr. Madison is getting mad so he will come here and hurt me and/or Philip.

Eliza is still sick upstairs and Alexander said he was going to (and I quote) "Kick Jeffershit's ass" and honestly I didn't want to know why, Alexander would go on a rant if I did ask.

Helpless~ (Philip Hamilton X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now