Part 24

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I have been having mental breakdowns for about a week now. My anxiety is back. My depression is worse than ever. My happiness is at the lowest point of my life. I have to go to France. I just need to visit Laf. Maybe get a drink with him. I just... I need to take a break. Oh what kind of food am I gonna get? What about crapes? Oooo I can't wait!

I packed my bag and I got in the carriage. Part of me hoped Philip would come running to me. The other part hoped he burned into a pile of ashes.

"Wait! Y/N!"

... oh fucking ducking John.

"Go away." I yelled

"No! I love you, Y/N." John said

"I just want you to know. I only love one person like that. He is dating my sister and he cheated on me twice." I said

"Me?" He asked

"What is up with guys and dating my sisters?" I asked pushing him away


I pushed him and got into the carriage and left.

(Sorry about the short chapter, I'll make it up to you guys that read my book. I'm soooooooo sorry. (Sorry) (I have a problem with apologizing way more than I should, sorry- DAMN IT))

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