Part 41

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Ok for one. I didn't even know if I was pregnant or not. And now people are saying I am. My father came to my house yelling at Philip because he thought I actually was pregnant. Then Father lectured me about how I needed to come home because Philip can't keep it in his pants. I don't think he realizes that me and Philip are married. And I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

"Please Y/N... go to the doctor and get a check up." Philip begged

"I don't need to because I am not sick and I'm not pre-" I was cut off by being nauseated

I ran to the bathroom and threw up

"I fucking hate everything" I said

"Are you ok?" Philip asked giving me a towel

"Y-Yeah I'm o-" I said being cut off again by throwing up again

Philip held back my H/L hair

There was a knock at the door. Philip gave me a towel and walked to the door

"Hey Angie! Hey Holly!" Philip yelled making sure I heard

I got up and cleaned up everything and I changed into a new dress and walked out towards them trying not to throw up.

I picked up Holly and started playing restaurant with her

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