Part 29 - Philips POV - Part 4

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I got back. I got back safely, and without getting stolen too. I walked home and on my way I got weird looks. I have no idea why, but I did.

As I entered the house Anna was getting yelled at by my mom. And if you've ever gotten yelled at by Elizabeth Hamilton, you don't even know what yelling is.

"You're a lying bitch. You are a disgrace to your family! Get out of my FUCKING HOUSE!" Mother yelled, I actually feel ba- What am I saying? She deserves that.

I walked up the stairs and I didn't hear the two anymore. I walked into Willam and Alexander Jr.s' room

"Hey you two! What no hug?" I asked

"Oh hey Philip, father wants to talk to you" William said without looking up from his paper.

"Ah so now I see where I stand with you two, I'm gonna go where I'm wanted." I said walking away

"Wait! Phiwip!!" Eliza Holly said

"Awww look it's someone who loves me!" I said picking her up and sticking my tongue at the boys

"Childish" William murmured

I ignored him and walked away with Eliza Holly in my arms. I went downstairs and I flipped off Anna when Eliza Holly was looking behind me in my arms

"Hey, who wants to go play war outside?" I asked Eliza Holly

"I wanna go to sweep." She said drowsily

"Ok little one. Let's go to sleep." I said walking back upstairs and going into her and Angies' room.

I put her in her crib and put her teddy bear in the crib with her and kissed her on her forehead

"Night, Holly." I said quietly

"Night, Phiwip" She replied

I smiled and left the room and closed the door quickly and quietly behind me

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