Part 13

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A couple days passed and Alexander finally came home and now was upstairs sleeping. I can't believe I convinced him to sleep.

Anyway, it was night time and I finally got James and Alexander Jr. to fall asleep. And wear clothes to bed. That was pretty traumatizing to convince them to wear clothes.

Eliza Holly was easier to get to sleep. I sang some lullabies and rocked her to sleep. Angie helped with the other children because I didn't know them as well. After that Angie and I went to our room and went into our beds and Angie just laid down and read while I just stared at the ceiling.

"Heh you're thinking about my brother, huh?" Angie asked

"What? Eh n-no" I said with my face turning red

"You can't lie to save your life" Angie sneered

"I'm going to bed." I said and turned away

*two hours later*

I heard the door open and close

"Hey" a familiar voice said to me

"Ugh I'm trying to sleep" I said in a sleepy voice

"I can't sleep. I came in here to talk to you." Philip said

"Are you sure?" I said raising my eye brow

"I'm not thinking that Y/N." Philip said

"I know you Philip, I know why you actually came in here. So no." I said turning away

"But why not?!" He asked

"Because I will tell your parents what you did." I said

"Ugh fine. I have to go." He said and he gave me a kiss on the forehead and left

"He's a dumbass, isn't he?" Angie said

"Extremely." I responded and then fell asleep

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