Part 57 - Philips POV

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*five years later*

I can't. I can't aim at his head. I have to aim towards the sky. Father always said to aim towards the sky. But isn't that ho-

I was shot. I got shot.

I screamed Y/N's name. I looked over at the person who shot me, Aaron Burr. I couldn't believe it. Aaron Burr was punching John de La Fayette. (Made him up (also it's the guy who liked Y/N)) The man who shot me was John de La Fayette.

Aaron ran up to me and carried me up to the boat, where the doctor was and the doctor started trying to fix my wound.

As we reached across the Hudson Aaron helped get us off the boat and ran and got my family

Aaron's POV

I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't let my mistake with Alexander stop me. I needed to get Uptown. Now.

I got to Philips doorstep and knocked until someone opened the door. It was a little girl. About 10 or so.

"Hello. Is your Mother home?" I asked

"Mommy!" She yelled and Philips wife came to the door

"Mr. Burr, what's wrong?" She asked

God she's hottttttt. How the hell did Philip get a hot wife?

"You're husband, Philip, has been shot. By John de La Fayette." I told her

"What?!" she yelled and Eliza came running to the door

"What's wrong?!" She asked and she saw me

"P-Philips been shot..." The really hot girl said

"Y/N, I'll go with you, Angie will watch them." Eliza said pushing I guess her name was Y/N out the door.

We got a carriage and got there as fast as we could.

"Pip!" Y/N yelled

"Beautiful..." He weakly said

"Don't die, please don't die." Y/N said starting to cry (A/N I'm starting to cry at this chapter)

"I won't die, I promise beautiful." He said putting his hands on her face

"I love you. Please stay alive. Just stay alive, that would be enough." She said as her tears rolled down her cheek

Eliza came up to her son and tears filled her eyes.

"Philip! You idiot!" She fell over crying

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