Part 20

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It's been a week, she came back once and then she felt the wrath of Eliza. She won't be coming back anytime soon. I wouldn't, I would be scared out of my mind. I mean she would be out of her GODDAMN mind if she came back. Wait why did I say it like that? Have I been spending too much time with Alexander lately? Eh anyway, Mr. Madison paid a visit to us and talked to Eliza and Alexander. It was actually comforting seeing Philip hold back his father from attacking my father and trying to cover Alexanders mouth. It definitely helped Father with the courting thing. Well approving it. I of course decided to move back with father as long as I can live in the city and never go to Monticello ever again. He agreed to it and he is in the middle of a divorce to my step mom. I'm extremely happy about that.

"Y/N! Come downstairs!" Father yelled

"Coming Father!" I yelled back

That's right. Philip was taking me on another date.

I ran down the stairs in my (color) dress. And I saw Philip begging father, so I hid and I listened to their conversation

"I want to court your daughter. I know things haven't been the best between you and I but I think things are looking up!" Philip said

"I'll think about it. Now go wait out the door before I change my mind, now. Go!" He yelled

After that I went back up the stairs and went back down to make it seem like I just went down the stairs and I hugged Philip and we left.

We held hands as we walked down the street. People didn't give me sympathetic looks this time. Kinda. Ok a little. I missed this. I missed going out with Philip. I missed being able to go outside without worrying about my father seeing us.

"So, where are we going?" I asked

"Well beautiful, thats up to you, where do you wanna go?" Philip asked

"Ummmm the room where it happens?" I asked (A/N calm down it's a restaurant I made up)

"Which one?" Philip asked winking

"Wow I think I just want to go home after that comment." I said laughing

"Want me to go with you" Philip said winking

"No. I would rather have George Eacker come to my house" I mocked

"Really?" He asked with a sad face

"Of course not. Let's just go to the restaurant." I said

"Ok m'lady" he said and bowed

I laughed and curtsied

"You're amazing, Y/N." He said and stopped and looked at me

"I'm not that amazing" I said looking at him

"To me you are." He said then kissed me

That was my first kiss. Philip stole my first kiss.

"Wha-" I said

"Just, shhh." He said

He took my hand and we started walking again.

What was that anyway? Why did he randomly kiss me? I mean he's only kissed me on the cheek and on the forehead

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