Part 27 - Philips POV continued

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I ran until I found the Madison Residence. I quickly knocked on the door hoping to see Y/N but it was Mr. Madison.

"What is it Philip? I have an important meeting" Mr. Madison said pushing someone to the side where I couldn't see who it was

"Um uh is Y/N here? I really need to talk to her." I replied

"She's going to France to visit Lafayette." He said

"Ok, when did she leave?" I asked

"About a couple minutes ago, why?." He said

"When does her boat leave?" I asked

"It's leaving right now." He said

"Ugh I can't make it there in time. I'll figure something out, thanks!" I said running away back home

When I got home I packed my bag and grabbed some of my money and left. But of course I said goodbye to mother. We've been having talks about how much we hate Anna.

I left and didn't even think about getting a carriage and ran towards the docks

I got on a boat to France and set off to see my Y/N... I can't wait to see her again... (ITS ONLY A MATTER OF TIMMMEEE)

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