Part 48

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(A/N tell me if you guys want me to make a sequel to this book and vote who you want as the main character (like out of Philip and Y/Ns children) anyway I have cool ideas for the next books)

As I was walking through town with Evie, Alexander, and Leo. Also Philip, who was being more of a baby then Leo. Who is 2. We were getting food and a fight broke out in the middle of the market. It's was William and some random guy.


William turned around and saw Philip yelling at him. Will's face went from angry to "fuck he saw me" in two seconds.

Philip went over to Will and started yelling at him and Will yelled back. There was really bad swearing so I took the kids home and tried to get Evie and Alexander to go to bed, but they wouldn't. So I told them to play outside and I tried to get Leo to go outside too but he wouldn't.

Philip finally came home but when he got home he wasn't mad or anything.

"When are we going to have another kid?" Philip whispered in my ear

"I don't know. That's up to you." I whispered back

He kissed me and went into his office for a couple hours. So I made food.

"Dinner!" I yelled outside for Evie and Alexander and they came running

Even Leo was waiting at the dining room table when I came back inside. I served dinner and went into Philips office and told him dinner was ready and he got up and ran to the dining room table. As I put Mac and Cheese on their plates they got more excited to eat. Especially Philip.

After dinner I cleaned up with Evie, Philip was in the living room just hanging out with the boys and Philip eventually put them to bed

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