Part 1: Transfer

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It was a dark night.

I was in vale at the time.

My name is Conner Aeailios.

I am a grey wolf Faunus.

Unlike most Faunus, i have a tail and my ears.

I was in warehouse in which a white fang gathering was being held.

I was only initiated one month ago so im still getting used to things.

I had been to at least five gatherings already, but this one just took the cake...

With its bordem...

Once it was finished, the officer of this event stood there in shock of something.

His name was Lieutenant Germain De Lukan.

Germaine: I need Apprentices Conner Aeailios, Zayne Lykhaos, and Elliott Dyiam behind the cutain immediately.

Me and two other Faunus i didnt know stepped up to the stage and the curtain closed.

One of them was a rabbit Faunus with black hair that matched his ears. His name was Zayne

The other was some kinda fish Faunus. He had silver colored fins on his arms that could fold in. Something told me that his fins were razor sharp. His name was Elliot.

Germaine; Im assigning you three to a team. Mainly because you are some of the only three that know theyre aura and semblance.

Zayne: Whos in charge of it?

Germaine: Its an equivalent team. No leader. Co-operation and teamwork is key.

Elliott: Where will we be staying?

Germaine: Deeper into the complex. Area 2B. Room 4.

Me: Yes sir.

We went into the complex and searched for the room.

When we entered it, we figured out it was exactly what we expected.

A dark, cold room with bunk beds lining the walls.

There were some other people in there already.

I looked at my new team.

Me: So. You guys have semblance and aura. Right?

Elliott: Yeah.

Zayne: Whats yours?

Me: Mine? In short its enhanced senses.

That was a lie...

I took my mask off and set it the floor.

Then I threw back my hood.

Zayne: My ability is that I can suppress other semblances and drain aura, at the cost of my own anyway.

Elliott: Invisibility. All there is to it.

Me: Cool.

We sat there awkwardly because we didnt know what to talk about.

Me: Ima go to sleep.

I got up and crawled into the top bunk of one of the beds.

I fell asleep fast.

We woke up next morning to the wake up alarm.

We got up and got our gear on.

I walked with my team out to one of the hangers.

The intercom sounded.

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